Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Poor Hillary Clinton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Girls, I am telling you, this poor woman cannot seem to get a break. From the time she emerged conspiculously on the public scene, around 1992, she has been criticized right and left. First, they knocked her, because she wasn't June Cleaver, staying home and baking cookies.  They knocked her hairstyles.  They (the media and her detractors) said she was a lesbian.  They said she wasn't a lesbian.

                                      And, now, look what the NY Post has gone and  done!!!!!  Sure, it is funny in a surface, superficial way, but what it says is sexist and hypocritical.  Why shouldn't Hillary enjoy a night out with the girls????????  Isn't she entitled to some down time????????  After all, darlings, who knows how many nights out with the girls hubby Bill has had, or may continue to have, and look what hot water that landed him in, several weeks back. So I don't think kicking back a few brewskies, or making it seem like she is some kind of low class doxy in a waterfront dive, is any way to treat an intelligent woman like Hillary Clinton.

                                       Of course, even Hillary, I am sure, would say--look at the source!!!!! It is the Post; it's not exactly Vanity Fair!!!!!!!!!!   There are just some figures the media will not leave alone, and she is one of them; a fact I am sure she is well resigned to.

                                          Well, let me tell you media ho's a thing or two.  The Raving Queen will not tolerate media invasion.  Do so at your own peril!  Otherwise, it may be found out here which  gender benders wear panties....and which do not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           You think Jackie Susann was tough??????????  Or Truman Capote?????????
You ain't seen nothin' yet, so watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Meanwhile, I think I will find a nice hillside meadow and perfect my Julie Andrews 'Sound Of Music' twirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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