Friday, April 27, 2012

Darlings, I Specialize In Playing Evil Children, And Evil Nuns!!!!!!!!!!

                I am quite sweet, darlings, really.  Butter would just melt in my mouth, and the Milk of Human
Kindness flows through my veins.  Nevertheless, if you wanted to use this post as an acting resume of sorts, or were I to be asked, what is my specialty, I would have to say, it is evil children and nuns.

                 In dramatic readings, I have done literature's two foremost evil children--Rhoda Penmark in "The Bad Seed," and Mary Tilford" in "The Children's Hour."  Believe it or not, even though she is a murderess, Rhoda is more understated; I found I had to underplay with her, in order to let the malevolence shine through in light of the picture of innocence I seemed to be presenting.  Mary was much more straight forward; there is nothing understated about her, from start to finish; nevertheless, I found summoning up the required amount of venom needed to portray her, physically and emotionally draining.

                As for evil nuns, I haven't officially had a crack at it, but I can do all of Gladys Cooper's dialogue from "The Song Of Bernadette."  On occasion, I have rendered the opening classroom scene ("What is the Holy Trinity?  I said, WHAT IS THE HOLY TRINITY?")  to people,. with heightened effect, and much success.  I may need to do it to prove myself worthy; if I end up journeying to Dartmouth College (in New Hampshire) where, my research indicates, they have a copy of the George Seaton screenplay of this film, I will not hesitate to recite things from it verbatim, in order to gain access, after driving the staff crazy. And I bet I am the only one who can recite 'Bernadette.'

                  Evil nuns, in some ways, are the most fun of all.  No matter how over the top you go, there is
never a right or wrong way to play it. It might be fun to wear that wimple and habit, but even Gladys said that wearing it for the film was constricting to her back.  So, I don't know.

                   But I am sending the word out there--if you need someone to play an evil child or nun, I am always available.  How I would have loved to been in Dante Tomaselli's film, "Desecration."  The whole thing seemed a homage to evil nuns!!!!!!!!!!!   How I would love to work with Tomaselli, anyway.

                   I know what you are thinking, darlings.  With my unflagging attachment to "The Song Of Bernadette," how come I would not want to play Bernadette.  Well, for one thing, I do not want to compete with Jennifer Jones.  For another, it is a very difficult part, because, unlike the aforementioned, it has to come from within--it demands the use of internalization--rather than without. And, lastly, I did dress as Bernadette for a costume party several years back, and was quite successful.  Pics taken at the time showed me to be truly beatific.

                   But it is just more fun to play evil and nasty!  I think the sweeter one is, the more enjoyable these types of roles!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Just ask Morgan Fairchild! Her whole career has been such!  And I hear she is a real sweetie!!!!!!!!

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