Monday, April 30, 2012

I Know What You Must Be Asking, Darlings!!!!!!!!

                                 ......Who the hell do I know, who has a 97th birthday??????

                                         Well, I will tell you.

                                          It is my father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                          Yes, girls, today is my father's birthday, and he reaches the grand old age of
97!!!!  Not to brag, or count one's chickens, but on a recent visit to the doctor, he was told he could easily
break 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Good thing, because I cannot imagine anyone of my generation reaching that landmark.  I want to make sure I am here for his, because I intend to plan the biggest centennial party ever!!!
Strictly the Pierre, in New York!!!!!

                                            And my father will most likely in three years' time, have what he has now--a full head of hair that still mixes black with gray, a sharp mind, eyesight good enough to read, watch TV and do
crossword puzzles, the ability to walk distances at a time, almost perfect posture, and unflagging energy.

                                            Darlings, I am 40 (all right 39) years younger, and my energy is worn, especially from all the book hauling I was doing today, over at my apartment.  Too bad I did not bring my father over; he could have done it all, and then some!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             So, here is to my father, on his 97th birthday!!!!!  I guess it is a testament to clean, Catholic living!!!!!!

                                              Wonder where that leave me, dolls?????????


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