Monday, April 30, 2012

Girls, You Have Got To Try The Epicurean!!!!!!!!


                            Of course, in order to do so, darlings, you have to have a reason for being in Pennsylvania, because this restaurant is located at 902 Village At Eland, Phoenixville, Rt.113, Pennsylvania.  Since my sister lives not far from there, and my father is ensconced nearby, at swinging Villa St. Martha,  this elegant, romantic eatery was the scene Saturday night of my father's wild and crazy 97th birthday celebration.

                            You turn off from the road into this charming period village, and the restaurant is right at the end, with the same, charming, period feel.  When you get inside, the mood is dark and romantic, a stately, but modernistic dining room, with dim but modern looking orange lighting, tables well spaced, allowing for plenty of intimacy, and a lovely bar.

                               It had been a long day, with my father being the one to shop till the rest of us all dropped, so I really needed that glass of Merlot wine I was given.  But what a glass!  In New York, this single glass would have counted for two!!!!!  You can bet I was singing show tunes that night!

                                 The cuisine seems to be all done on premises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   The bread served to us was hot--not warm, hot!!!--each time it was served.  The meals were scrumptious.  My father fared the best--a tender filet mignon in wine sauce, with asparagus and mashed potatoes, followed by a huge piece of chocolate birthday cake for desert; of course, the staff, the patrons, all of us, sang "Happy Birthday;" both my sister and Monsieur had the half portion chicken breast and risotto, and let me tell you, this  half was whole enough for both of them.  The same went for my meat loaf, which, while half portion, was plentiful, with mushroom wine sauce, mashed potatoes and broccoli.  I needed a light desert at that point, darlings, so I opted for lemon sorbet and berries, with coffee.  My sister had the same desert, and let me tell you, not only were the berries fresh, the texture and taste of the sorbet convinced me it was home made.  Monsieur had some kind of sponge cake drizzled in lemon sauce--oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!  It was good enough to serve to Meryl Streep!!!!  On whom, not an ounce would show!!!!!

                               It is a wonder we were able to make it out of the restaurant, after a meal like that.  No one goes hungry at the Epicurean.  My best advice to you, loves, is, if you want to enjoy the full experience, do not eat anything beforehand.  And that includes lunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I cannot wait to go back to the Epicurean, maybe for my father's 98th birthday, which, the way things are going, will be here before we know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Old age may be a bitch, girls, but it can get you to some great restaurants!!!!!!!!!!!  Milk it for all it is worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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