Monday, April 9, 2012

Darlings, This Gentleman Prefered Haines!!!!!!!!!

Now, girls, I just could not resist the above headline, but let me tell you, these Haines have nothing to do with the stocking manufacturers; oh, no, they are quite something else.

The Haines in question here were a family who lived in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.  They were, so their friends and associates said, as squeaky clean as the Waltons or the Cleavers.  In fact, even the Haines themselves used to joke about their image.

Well, someone did not like that image, and had it in for them.  That person happened to be Kevin Haines' alleged best friend, sixteen-year-old Alec Kreider.  On the early morning of May 12, 2008, at around 2am, Alec Kreider broke into the Haines home, brandishing a knife, and systematically slaughtered his best friend Kevin, and Kevin's parents, Tom and Lisa Haines.  Unbeknownst to Alec, he lost the chance of offing the entire family, because, unbeknkownst to him, Maggie had just returned home from finishing her sophomore year at Bucknell University.  In fact, the altercation in Kevin's room awoke Maggie, who, went to her parents' room, where she found her father dead, the smell and sight of blood prevalent, and her mother, with her dying breath, urged her to "Go get help."  Maggie did--while poor Kevin was fighting for a life he eventually lost.  As it turned out, Maggie survived, the only one, in fact, but for awhile she was looked upon as a suspect.  Mr. Kreider was as cool and calm as any professional serial killer; even going to the memorial services for the Haines, and bemoaning their lost.  But he started to crack a month later, when he displayed extreme suicidal tendencies, and was placed in a local psychiatric facility for his own good, where, after several days, he finally told his counselor and parents that he had murdered the Haines family.  His parents were, understandably, incredulous, but when his revelations of details were too accurate to be ignored, and his father found the knife where Alec said he had hidden it, his father went to the local police, two days later, to turn Alec in.  

No one could seem to fathom why Alec would have done such a thing; there were no ostensible signs, no history of psychosis--until you started looking closely, at, for example, a journal Alec kept, prior to the murders, where he expressed a compulsion to kill he was finding hard to control, that he found nothing wrong with killing someone in cold blood, and that he hated happy people; they, in his own words, "made him sick."  This last may have been the reason the Haines were specifically targeted.  Alec, who was from a broken home--divorced parents--was pathologically jealous of all his friend Kevin had, via his well adjusted family.  Which was why, though the parents were stabbed too, (as Maggie would have been, if he had known she was there) Kevin seemed the primary target, as his was the most savage of all the stabbings.

I am telling you, this Alec Kreider was a piece of work.  In a community where no one locked their doors at night, Alec, a frequent visitor to the Haines, who treated him as their own, knew full well they did not lock their garage door.  And when he made his Trek Of Hell to the house that night, he was well aware of this fact, which was how he gained entrance so easily.

Then there was his youth.  Once arrested, friends, family, colleagues could not believe or fathom that this baby faced killer had done this heinous act.  But once on trial Alec found his youth not the least bit swaying; he was found guilty, and sent to prison for Life. A good thing, too, because, in his journal, he revealed that, if he got away with the Haines murder, he would go on to kill again.  A serial killer was caught early.

This is one of suburbia's saddest, most disturbing stories.  But at least the Monster that is Alec Kreider is behind bars, where he can harm absolutely no one.

While poor Maggie still has to pick up the emotional pieces of what this scum did to her and her family.  I wish the Haines to Rest In Peace, but I also wish Peace for the still living Maggie.

Girls, I am telling you, watch out who is out there, because no matter if the neighborhood is high or low end, evil always lurks!!!!!!!!!!

These Haines did nothing to Alec.  And look what he did to them!  Throw away the key, and place him in the Hole!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, girls, make sure your doors are safely locked before you all go nightie night seep seep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                        


  1. It seems he was in the throes of a budding mental illness. His journal evidences such.
    He needs mental health treatment, and maybe to remain in a psychiatric facility for life.
    He may be made 'well', but he may never truly be well enough to release.
    Often after release, unless court ordered to live in a residential treatment home, patients will stop taking their antipsychotic meds - side effects can be dismal.
    At that point regression is generally the result.

  2. No. This creep needs only one thing: To be PREVENTED from any new opportunity to kill or harm society ever again.

  3. No. This creep needs only one thing: To be PREVENTED from any new opportunity to kill or harm society ever again.
