Monday, April 9, 2012

Girls, Could This Have Been The Inspiration For Charlotte Bayes?????

            First of all, darlings, let me explain. The reason this photo has been selected is because I was
simply unable to find one of this posting's actual subject, Valerie Dee Martin, whose story was recently told on the Investigation Discovery Channel's program "Deadly Sins," under the title "Lethal Entitlement" (Sloth.)

            But, as I watched the dramatic framework of the story unfold, I thought, "Could this woman have been the inspiration for the character of Charlotte Bayes??????

             Now, you have all heard me discourse many times on Charlottte Bayes, brilliantly played by Isablella Hoffman in the 2004 episode of "Cold Case," entitled "Churchgoing People." And since Valerie Martin's crime happened in 2003, there is good reason to wonder if the writers based Charlotte on Valerie.

              There were tremendous differences.  Charlotte was high end, darlings. She lived in a fashionable house in the fashionable section of Roxbury surrounding Philadelphia, where "Cold Case" is set.  Her husband, murder victim Mitch Bayes, was a church organist and an insurance executive, and they were quite affluent.  They were also, as the title says, "Churchgoing People." But much of that was due to Charlotte, who wanted to preserve appearances above all else, hiding from everyone the truth, which eventually came to be known--that the Bayes marriage was a shambles, as Charlotte was a raging alcoholic, who, when drunk, would verbally abuse her children, Ryan and Tina, and physically attack Mitch.  On February 3, 1990, Mitch was found murdered in Kensington, a rough section of town populated by prostitutes and junkies.  The implication of the scene was that Mitch had gone looking for action and wound up dead, but the truth was Charlotte, in front of her son Ryan, killed Mitch at home, then made him drive with her to Kensington, where they staged the scene to look like a solicitation gone bad.  But she got hers!!!!!!!!!!!

               Some aspects of Valerie Martin's case are similar to Charlotte's.  Her crime took place on February 28, 2003, when she murdered her live-in boyfriend, William Whiateside, by burning him alive in the car.  More specifically, she got her son, Ron Kuptuch, and his friends, Christopher Kennedy and Brad Zoda (then only 14) to apprehend Whiteside and beat him to death.  This they did, but not completely enough; Ron called his mother, and told her to get out to the scene, saying Whiteside "refused to die."  When Valerie showed up, a battered Bill was still in the car trunk, alive, so Valerie  got the bright idea of setting the car afire. So, Bill was  not only bludgeoned, he was burnt alive!!!!!!! Nice!!!!!!!!!  And, like Charlotte, she had the boys set the thing up as an accident.  Except it wasn't.

                   And also, darlings, Valerie was no high ender like Charlotte. She was a lowlife, trashy, middle aged meth addict, and the motive for the whole thing seems to have been a  lousy $400, which Valerie wanted to use for drug money.  So she murdered her supposedly live-in boyfriend.

                     These pieces of filth were not apprehended until 2010.  In a plea deal, Brad Zoda agreed to testify against the others, who were convicted.  The boys got Life, but Charlotte, (this happened in California) got the Death Penalty, and she is now on Death Row!!!!!!!!!  You know what I say?????  Drive a stake into the prison courtyard, throw some sticks around it, tie her there, and burn the Witch!!!!!!!!!  But stone her first, (I mean with drugs) so she will die doped up, not being clever enough (if indeed she is at all, which is probably not!!!!!)  to call down a curse upon anyone!!!!!!!!!!  I don't think this one had the sense of Elizabeth Selwyn back in 1692. She may have consorted with the Devil, but she was no dumb cookie!!!!!!!
But meth head Valerie apparently is.

                       Too bad this did not happen recently, for Valierie certainly would have made a good Bitch Of The Week.  But, girls, I am telling you, after reading this, the next time Cold Case airs "Churchgoing People," watch it and tell me you don't see telltale similarities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Oh, and yes, lambs, at Valerie's execution, the theme music should be the disco classic "Burn, Baby, Burn!"


  1. I've never seen any of the shows but sounds like you knew val as well as I do!!!! Boyfriend ? I think not , more like sugar daddy ! And when the sugar ran out ,well let's just say ...... She brought the gas can

  2. You are absolutely right!
