Friday, April 27, 2012

Darlings, This Place Really Swings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This place, girls, is Villa St. Martha, located near Downington, PA.  It is the facility
where my father is happily ensconced, and where we are all converging this weekend to celebrate what
will be his--are you ready, loves??--97th birthday!!!!!!!!!  Yes, dolls, 97!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't know how many
among us can claim the same longevity.

                               The plan is to visit him at the place, and then take him out for a nice birthday meal, near Phoenixville.  My sister, so organized, has already made the reservation, so I cannot tell you where it will be, but needless to say, I will provide a full report on the celebration proceedings.

                                Because the actual birthday is not until Monday, April 30.  But with the weekend off, it is the perfect time to shoot down to PA for a visit.  Maybe even make my already pain wracked body (from stone floors, loves!!!!!!) even moreso, by scrubbing floors at a nearby convent.  Or at least going for Tea With Sister Berenice, getting in some girl talk, there!!!!!!!!!

                                 However, the focal point will be my father, who has made it to 97!!!!!!!!!!  His father made it to the same age, and his mother made it to 102!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am hoping my father reaches the Century Mark, and I hope I am here for it, because, I can tell you, we are going to have SOME big party!!!!!!!!

                                 And with me being gay, darlings, it will be I running the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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