Friday, April 27, 2012

Girls, Could This Be A Fevered Portrait Of The Inside Of My Mind?????

                          I had to wonder about that, darlings, when I first saw this.  With all that is going on with me, lately, it seems like my mind is a hodgepodge of imagery.  Actually, I came across this pic when I was
researching that 1969 camp classic, "The Mad Room."  The pic above bears the same title as the film, though one has nothing to do with the other.

                           "The Mad Room" stars Miss Stella Stevens ( formerly Miss January of 1960, in Playboy)
and Shelley Winters!  What a combo right there; you know you are in for it.  She works for Shelley, and when her brother and sister come to stay with her, has to keep their secret--they have been released from an asylum, for having murdered their parents 12 years before.  This story would have you believe that a 2 and 4 year old had the strength and cunning to pull off such a stunt.  It does not take long to figure out that the real murderer is evil bitch, Ellen (Stevens) who was 14 at the time, and fully capable.

                             Needless to say, when I saw the pic, featured above,  it was a perfect amalgamation for what  was going on inside my mind--my father's birthday, trip to my sister's this weekend, the upcoming move to Bay Ridge, which Monsieur and I are undertaking, work, reading....all the minutiae that make up my life. Sometimes my mind gets as cluttered and disturbed looking as this picture.  But that does not mean I go wacking off people, or trying to pin it on others, like that nasty Stella Stevens as Ellen. I forget if she gets her comeuppance; she should have had her Centerfold status revoked.

                             Nevertheless, for those who might want to take a gander as to what is inside my head (wait till my therapist sees this) feel free to take a look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And I can't wait to see my favorite Woody Allen film--"Annie Hall" onscreen at the Film  Forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. By the way, TCM aired Picture Mommy Dead the other day, a film that scared me when I was little. It featured the song "The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. In your stomach and out your mouth!". Thought it was pretty bad when I watched it yesterday; but how can you totally hate a horror film that stars Don Ameche, Martha Hyer and Zsa Zsa Gabor?

  2. Oh, my God, "Picture Mommy Dead!" I barely remember the plot, though I would love to see it again. The song I recall vividly; it was, I think, the best thing about the movie!
