Thursday, April 5, 2012

Darlings, This Week It Is Best To Go With Tradition!!!!!!!!!

                  I am telling you, girls, this has never happened before in the annals of this blog, though, I
suppose, it was bound to.  Thursday, as we all know, has been Bitch Of The Week for two years now,
but what happens when it also falls on a Maundy/Holy Thursday???  Well, when in the saying
goes, which means, go with tradition, so in this case, here goes.

                  The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is none other than
Judas Iscariot!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Judas has to be one of the more interesting Bitches!  He has been  portrayed by such
disparate actors as David McCallum and Ben Vereen, among others.  His place in history is
indelible.  Without his contribution, much of what we know that passes for Christianity would
not have happened. Talk about sealed with a kiss, dolls!!!!!!!!!

                       And then there are those spiritual/philosophical issues I have always wondered
about, regarding Judas. And, as I am not a theologian, I can only offer what I have pondered over
the years, and continue to.

                        If Judas' act of betrayal was pre-ordained, as when Jesus says "One of you
will betray me," how culpable does that make Judas in his fate?  Meaning, when it comes to
the point where he commits suicide, (by hanging himself, not, as David McCallum does, throwing
himself into a fiery pit, as in George Steven's film, "The Greatest Story Ever Told".  Which, by the
way, uses Monument Valley in Utah as a stand-in for the Holy Land!!!) does that mean he is forgiven,
or not????  It is a question worth pondering, darlings, though I am the last one to justify any form of
suicide.  But if all if this was decreed to happen, then should Judas suffer??????

                        Nevertheless, he has, more, in some ways posthumously, than when alive.  The name
alone, "Judas," has become synonymous with lying and betrayal.  I think there is/was a rock band out
there named Judas Iscariot, but what couple, no matter how unconventional, would give a child a name
such as this????   And where would Judas be without Andrew Lloyd Webber, whose telling of the
Christ story, nevertheless, gives us insight and a POV into Judas that many renderings do not.

                           So, I cannot think of a better BOTW for this date, than Judas Iscariot!!!!!!!  With
his bitchery he set in motion, however indirectly, the course of faith and spirituality over the next several

                              While I can't, in all good conscience, say "Congrats, Judas!" it is nevertheless important to recognize him as one of history's most notorious bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But one with no fashion sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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