Thursday, April 5, 2012

Maundy, Maundy, Can't Trust That Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Girls, can you believe we have made it to another Maundy Thursday?  Or, as
it is more conventionally called, Holy Thursday. This is where things really heat up during Holy
Week, what with the Last Supper tonight, the Crucifixion tomorrow, Holy Saturday and then
the Resurrection on Easter.  So fasten your seat belts, darlings!!!!!!!!!

                         But that word "Maundy" just sounds so much fun to say!  But what does
it mean?  I finally found out, loves; it refers to the ceremonial washing of the feet that takes
place at the evening service on this day.

                          Back when I was a wee thing, my father used to take me to the Holy
Thursday services at--where else?--St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church in Highland Park,
New Jersey.  I can vaguely recall the washing of the feet, but what I absolutely hated was
the mid point, where the decked out priest would walk about the aisles with a wand, and
wave a lantern looking object into the air, which would spew out smoking incense--the
odor of which I found unbearable.  It wasn't putrid, it was just so....overpowering!!!!!
For this reason alone, I used to dread this service.  And unlike some of my peers, who
went on to embrace incense burning--often as way of disguising other odors--this early
experience turned me off even to that.

                         Nevertheless, I want to wish everyone a Happy Holy/Maundy Thursday, and
celebrate in any way you please.  Even if you just resort to trimming your toenails!!!!!!!!!!!

                          And, if you do, make sure you brighten them with some Revlon nail polish!!!!!!!!

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