Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Darlings, We Love Donna Murphy, But............

                        Now, don't I keep my promises to all my girls???? I said as soon as I found out
anything regarding the forthcoming "Into The Woods," I would let you know!  Well, just several
minutes ago, I found that none other than Miss Donna Murphy, pictured above, has landed the
coveted role of the Witch!!!!!!!!  The role I was hoping, praying, would go to Meryl Streep!!!!!!!

                         Not that Donna cannot do the role. Not that she is untalented.  Far from it,
girls; believe me. But, as long, as they were thinking non-Meryl, couldn't I at least have been
considered?  Not only can I do the Witch's Rap letter perfect, I did it for actress Nancy Dussault
when she replaced Bernadette Peters during the original run. She was so impressed she wanted to
take the night off!!!!!!!!

                           Seriously, though, if we cannot have Meryl, it seems like a good fit for Donna.
The run is short, which will suit her fine, and assure fans she will not miss; the longer the run goes, the
more she becomes something of a Broadway version of Teresa Stratas.  This is a known fact on the
Great White Way.

                             This is the first "Into The Woods" worth seeing, since the original.  Forget that last revival,--Ptoooey!!!!!!!!!!   With Donna, Amy and company, this will be the Theatrical Event of the Summer.

                               Now, if only I can find out where Amy is getting her hair done when in town, so I can go there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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