Thursday, April 12, 2012

Girls, We've Got Ourselves Another New York Bitch!!!!

                          Darlings, I am telling you, what with last week, it seems New York is turning into Bitch City!!!!   This week's winner takes the prize for matricide.

                           The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Henry Wachtel!!!!

                            Henry may be only 19, but what a piece of work!!!  Monday evening, while his mother. Karyn Kay, 63, a talented English teacher at La Guardia High School, frantically dialed 911 for help, at their apartment on West 55th Street,  sonny boy pummeled Mommy to death, with his fists.  Then, when the deed was done, and things were bloodied, he had the nerve to intone, "I'm sorry, Mommy," again and again.

                            What is wrong with this guy?  His mother insists he was having a seizure.  I know people with seizure disorder, and they haven't killed anyone yet.  He was also said to have anger management issues.
Could anything else have been at work?  Like drugs, or maybe the lack of them; ie; forgetting or refusing to take meds???? I wonder.

                               Like they say of laundry, it will all come out eventually, but what a tragedy.  Miss Kay, in addition to her gig at La Guardia, taught at Pratt; she had written the screenplay for the Steven Segal film, "Call Me"; in other words, she was a productive, very talented, woman.

                               Her son is one sick sack of....well, one thing for sure; you can bet he is not majoring in
Rocket Science at Fordham.  With all his issues, how did he get in, anyway????  Well, loves admissions standards have dropped, since my day.  I suppose if he were alive, Jeffrey Dahmer would probably get a four year scholarship!!!!!

                                But it looks like Henry Wachtel is going to be shipped off to either the slammer, or a psych facility forever, or at least a very long time!!!!  What a bitch we have this week, darlings!!!!  Almost a real life Norman Bates!!!!!

                                   Let's hope his fashion sense is better than Norman's, when it comes to playing dress up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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