Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Anniversary, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Now, I know what you are thinking, girls!!!!!!! You are thinking that this is a shot of the Field of Poisonous Poppies from "The Wizard Of Oz."  Well, honeys, I have news for you; they're not.
This is the annual tulip display in Abingdon Square Park in New York City's Greenwich Village.  Last year, the array was a mixture of red and yellow.  This year, it is pink, and very apt, for what this posting is about  to cover.

                                    I am five years old, darlings!!!!!!!!  No, that does not mean I am going to be starting Kindergarten in September.  I have no desire to repeat that horror a second time, especially when taught by that witch, Mrs. Compton, who was on a par with Gladys Cooper in 'Bernadette,' and who I cannot believe is still alive today, somewhere in the state of California.  I mean, she seemed old to me when I first stepped into her class, fifty two years ago.  Guess she was just plug ugly!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     No, what is five years old today, is The Raving Queen.  That is right, loves; five years ago today, I started this blog, with some idea of what I thought I wanted to do, but none as to how things would turn out.   And if you look at the archival history, you will find that 2009 was a turning point.  Up till them, I did not write on a daily basis, for which I carry a bit of regret, but, let's face it, spilt milk cannot be cried over.

                                       What helped me activate the blog was when I first saw the movie "Julie and Julia."  When Amy Adams' character, upon learning of her friend Isabel, having a blog, says, "I could have a blog," something went off in my head,  too.  Now, my culinary skills are nowhere near Julie Powell's, nor, at this point, will they ever be, but suddenly the idea of "Sex In The City" popped into my head.  I of course had seen it in dribs and drabs, never really becoming a fan, but well aware of its appeal.  I even read the Candace Bushnell book, which told me she is a much better writer than I would have thought, and the book is infinitely better than the series or the abysmal movies.  Over the years, there was this idea expressed that the series was really about four gay men, and I took resentment at that.  Are there gay men out there as simplistic and superficial as these women???  Oh, honey, you better believe it!!!!!!!!  Do you think I would ever associate with such creatures???????????  Not on your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          So, I thought, why can't I, in a sense, become the gay Carrie Bradshaw, directing myself towards the less simplistic, superficial gays out there, who would have some insights into what I refer to, and who might appreciate my parodist humor????  And thus was born The Raving Queen!!!!!!

                                             I can hardly believe the time that has gone by.  And the changes having been wrought.  A loyal group of followers.  Comments from readers who do read what I say carefully.  A forum for my voice.  And added to all this, the inclusion in my life of my beloved Monsieur, which is going to result, in the very near future, in a move--our own place!--to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, where I lived from 1983 till 1997.  I have done well by Woodside, and now while it looks as though I will be leaving, it is a bit sad; it is a chapter of my life that is ending, which is always sad, and as another one opens up, there is both excitement and fear of the unknown, which I will do my best to chronicle at every turn.

                                              Not to mention, at some point on my profile, I will have to change my
residence designation from Woodside, to Bay Ridge, or, more likely, Brooklyn.

                                                We are not there yet.  But The Raving Queen is five years old today,
something I never expected would last!!!!!!!!  Happy Birthday to one and all, and have a slice of red velvet cake for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  But not till teatime, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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