Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Palm Sunday, Darlings!!!!!!!

               Not only are we kicking off April, but April 1 this year kicks off by happening to be Palm  Sunday!!!!
So make sure you get your palms.  And just think--"Jesus Christ Superstar" is on Broadway right now, so wouldn't it be fantastic if all my girls, Catholic or otherwise, went to see it during Holy Week?  One thing I'll
say for him--Jesus is cool!!!!

               He had to be to put up with what he did!!!!  Nailed to a cross????? And with a bad hair
job????  And how about that anorexic look; even after the Last Supper????  You know, it has
never been recorded what was served.  I mean, I know the first Eucharist was given, but did they have
pizza???? Take out Chinese?????  Thai?????  Inquiring minds want to know!

               And, of course, even my devoutly Catholic father, who told me this himself, knew what
Jesus said to the Apostles at the Last Supper--"Everyone get behind the table, for the picture!!!!"

                It all starts with Palm Sunday!!!!  So waves those fronds in the air, girls, and have
yourselves a fabulous Holy Week, capped off by both a Resurrection and a Bunny Visit!!!!!!

                And don't forget your Easter Bonnets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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