Sunday, April 1, 2012

Are We Just April Fools???????


              Can you believe, girls, it has been 43 years, since that question was asked????  By Jack
Lemmon, Catherine Deneuve  (during her "Belle De Jour" period, no less), and of course, Dionne
Warwicke, who, in those  pre-Psychic Channel days, trilled the title song into a Top Ten hit, back in

              Which is by way of saying that here we are in April.  Now, T.S. Eliot said it is the "cruelest month," and while I am not about to argue with that, I prefer to think of this as the month of bunnies, baby chicks,
chocolate eggs, Easter baskets, not to mention Mary Magdalene carrying spices to the tomb, to anoint the
body of Jesus.  And, of course, the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette."

               So, let us welcome April with open arms.  And yes, those April showers, which bring May
flowers.   See how much there is to enjoy this month???

               T.S. Eliot was a brilliant poet, but he didn't know jack about April!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                From this April Fool, darlings, to all my others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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