Saturday, March 31, 2012

Goose-Stepping Bitches, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   Girls, I am telling you, those Nazis were NASTY!!!!!!!!!  Not only that, but they
keep being written about, analyzed, and made into narrative and documentary films.  The
Holocaust is still a very hot topic, and it is amazing how hot under the collar it cam still make
some of us.

                     I certainly felt this way while reading Erik Larson's book.  I felt a sense of
dread for the Dobb family, who were there simply by circumstance, the father having been
appointed to an ambassadorship there for a year.  The account of Germany's transition is as
harrowing as ever; and I will say I was glad that the Dobbs made it out of there safely when
the time came.  It was also interesting to read the end, in the Acknowledgement, how repugnant
Larson himself found the whole thing during his writing of it.

                     Nevertheless, I actually liked this book more than his highly popular, "The
Devil In The White City."  Not that that  was without its merits. And, darlings, with a serial
killer lurking in the background, you know my interest was going to be peaked.  But reading
that book was like reading two separate books joined side by side.  Each chapter alternated
between Chicago World's Fair and Serial Killer, so that, if one chose, one could read one,
without the other. Larson never successfully fused the two together. Thus, the connection between
the two which he was trying to establish was, for me, not done successfully.

                        Not so with this book which is as tightly structured as can be.  It is also
harrowing, and, while I recommend  it highly, I also recommend that, upon completion, like Old
World Italians who cleanse their system by eating salad after the big meal, I suggest following
up with some lighter material, after tackling this one.  Don't go too far, darlings; I mean, Barbara
Cartland????? Please!!!!!!!!!!!  But something to take the unpleasantness away.

                         A walk in a Spring garden, darlings!  Followed by tea, afterward!!!!!!!!!!!!

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