Monday, April 30, 2012

The Kennedy Curse Takes Hold Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 You think it is tough being the Raving Queen???? Not that is is easy, darlings, but it sure beats being a Kennedy!!!!!  Even with all that money, and those Bouviers, this family has been cursed, and cursed again!!!!  Sometime, deservedly so, as in that case of rat bastard Michael Skakel, who decades after the fact, was finally convicted of the murder of Martha Moxley!!!!!   But this latest, is just too sad to bear!!!!

                                 In America today, there are two reigning Princesses!!!!!  You know, I am one of them, darlings, and the other is one who was my role model, indeed was many of our role models for a generation...Princess Lee Radizwill!!!!!  She did only one bad thing in her life, loves, and that was starring in a bad TV drama remake of the Gene Tierney classic, "Laura."  First, it should not have been remade, because why tamper with perfection, but, second, while Lee had the look and breeding for the part, unlike Miss Tierney, she simply could not act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                But Lee is loved, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                However, the sad news comes in that, at 79, Lee is suffering from Alzheimer's!!!!  She goes in and out of lucidity, at 79!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Does she deserve this, girls???????????  Absolutely not!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Adding insult to injury, her daughter-in-law, Carol (who was married to Lee's only son, Anthony, from 1994 till 1999, when he died of cancer) is lowering herself and the family status by appearing on the Reality Show, "Real Housewives Of New York," and not only is Lee furious, but so is Cousin-In-Law, Caroline Kennedy!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Of course, we are concerned with Lee here.  What a thing to do to her, at this point in time!!!!!!!!!  Who does this upstart think she is??????????  Does she think she can hold a candle to REAL Reality Stars, like the two Edie Beales?????  Because, let me tell you, girls, when the Maysles brothers did "Grey Gardens," back in 1976, THAT was the pioneer reality show!!!!!!!!!!!  And to this day, the Two Edies are unmatched!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Someone should smack bitch Carol silly, and pull out her hair!!!  She's only an in-law to Lee, so it would not be an insult to her.  Lee, darlings, would very likely utter a gracious "Thank you!"

                                        Bet Carol didn't go to Miss Porter's!!!!!!!!!!   I want  all my girls to get behind Lee and wish her the best, and cross this hag, Carol, off the Social Register!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Now, I cannot wait till Fourth of July, loves!!!!  All this talk has inspired me to replicate Little Edie's July Fourth American Flag Sparkler Dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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