Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"Tra La, It's Here! That Shocking Time Of Year! When Tons Of Wicked Little Thoughts Merrily Appear"!!!!!!

                                   They don't write 'em like that, anymore, darlings!  As every good Theater Queen knows, today is May 1st, and, on that day, you play, from the Original Broadway Cast Album of "Camelot," Julie Andrews singing "The Lusty Month Of May."

                                   Can you believe it is that time already, darlings????  The month of flowers, although, as a monsoon is pounding outside the window as I post this, it seems more like a belated April shower.  The "Camelot" tradition is important, not only for Julie and the song, but in the wake of the elimination of the antiquated May pole dance.  Who dances around a May pole, anymore?  (And no, girls, I am not going to go THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!)

                                   May is also the month of Mary, as in BVM, Queen of Peace; hell, Queen of ALL, darlings!!!!  Fatima happened on May 13.  But, as we all know, they made a better movie out of Lourdes, with "The Song Of Bernadette."  Which is why Lourdes counts more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And May marks a halfway point, for me that is.  The 18th will be exactly six months, since my last birthday. Hard to believe so much time has gone by already.

                                      May is also the month of Monsieur and I.  Our date is the 8th.  But this year, the whole month is one big anniversary, as we ready ourselves for our move to our new domestic digs in Bay Ridge.  Fabulous, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  But I will be glad when we are settled out there.   Which we should be, by month's end!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       So, here we are in May, already!!!!!!!!!!!!  Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And let Julie's trills usher you in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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