Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Flicker, Or A Flame, Darlings!!!!!!!! But Hardly A Fire!!!!!!!!

                                        Well, girls, I have made it two thirds through "The Hunger Games" trilogy, and while it is readable as ever, I cannot say this is a world beater when it comes to literature, although, generically speaking, the series is earning an iconic spot for itself.  I am enjoying it, but I can think of many
things--literary and otherwise--I might enjoy more.

                                              The two good things about the second book is one gets to know the
main characters a little more.  While the book is far from Dickens, it does seem a bit more character centered than "The Hunger Games," and not quite as violent.  Though there are, of course, plenty of
allusions to violence.  The second thing is that the book ends on a smashing cliff hanger that will have
you itching to read the last book.  Not only to see how the cliff hanger is maintained, and explained, but
to see how Suzanne Collins finally wraps up the series. And I hope with the third book she does; unlike, say, Christopher Paolini, who ostensibly delivered an "Eragon" trilogy, and then a year later presented us
with a fourth one.  And is a fifth coming?????????

                                             Well, if Miss Collins continues, she and I will part company.  Once I
have completed the third book, I will have my fill; believe me.  I know this does not sound like a ringing
endorsement, darlings, and I guess it is not, but at least it is not dreck like that "Fifty Shades Of Gray."
Honey, I would go back to Danielle Steel, before I would pick that garbage up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Or REAL garbage, like Stephanie Myer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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