Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Girls, I Am Telling You, Someone Needs To Smack That Jim McGreevey!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Despite what you see pictured above, love, the subject of this post has more to do with someone a lot nearer and dearer to my heart than THIS thing--Tyler Clementi.  And I apologize to Tyler and the Clementis for not posting a pic of him, but considering what I will be discussing, I thought this was a hoot, and that Tyler would likely get a kick out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Back when I was very young, and worked for a time at the NYU Bookstore in
Washington Square, there was an altogether charming lady administrator there named Joanne McGreevey.
I often wondered in later years if she was related to the former governor, because if such was the case, it must have been embarrassing for her.  And he is something of an embarrassment himself, from his posturing as a governor, to the way he chose to come out ("I am a Gay American"--oh, honey, get over it!!!!!!) to him writing a book, to his wife writing one back at him--listen, I don't care if some of you think he is hot (I never did!!!) he still doesn't have all his marbles in place, as far I am concerned. And now he goes and proves that further.

                                      Mr. McGreevey is espousing about Dahrun Ravi, the convicted offender in the Tyler Clementi case.  Having been found guilty on almost all counts he was indicted for, and facing his sentencing on the 21st of this month (exactly one day before Monsieur and I move to Bay Ridge!!!!!), he maintains that Ravi should not be used as what he calls "our anti-gay scapegoat."

                                        Excuse me, Jim?????????  Just what the hell do you mean by that????????

                                         He further maintains Ravi should not go to prison.  He says there is much more homophobia extant in America at large, so imprisoning Ravi will not cure that. And he does not believe prison will cure Ravi of whatever homophobia he does possess.

                                           I have to admit he has a point on two counts.  There is more homophobia out there than just Mr. Ravi.  And maybe prison will not change Mr. Ravi on that.


                                             Mr. Ravi was found guilty by a jury of peers. He is going to be  sentenced, which
means he has to be held accountable for his offenses. And penal incarceration is the one way to do this.  Honey, it may not cure him altogether, but I can guarantee you right now  Ravi is shaking in his boots, and deservedly so.  Taking this arrogant prick, who has been free to come and go all his life, and placing him in a regimented environment, where he will be  subject to routines making school and college look like picnics--and doing so in a place peopled with hardened criminals, low lifes, and those who might want to just take a crack at........well, Ravi's pretty young crack.  He better start thinking about at least being tolerant in manner to gays, or else he is going to wind up being done in in prison, like Jeffrey Dahmer.

                                              Not that that would upset me.

                                               I am more upset that one who fancies himself a gay role model, like Jim McGreevey, would voice such sentiments.  At the very least, if you are going to strike a blow against homophobia in this country, you start by punishing its most fervid practitioners.  For which, at this point, Mr. Ravi rates star billing.

                                                Jim, darling, go back to Plainfield, hole up, and shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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