Thursday, May 31, 2012

Can You Believe What A Month It Has Been????????

                                       Darlings, it seems like yesterday I was ushering May in, with Julie Andrews and the Original Broadway Cast of "Camelot."  And now, the end of that month has arrived.

                                         I feel like I have been through several life changes.  From Woodside to Bethune Street, and then to Bay Ridge.  From living by myself, to actually living with someone.  From a shorter commute, to a much longer one, which I did in my youth, and which now affords me greater reading time!!!!!!

                                            Yes, any way you look at it, May 2012 will be one to remember for the books.  So much physical and emotional upheaval.  Now, let us hope June, not to mention the rest of the year, allows me to settle down, snug and comfy in my Creature Of Habit status.

                                               I always thought of May as the month of Flowers.  And there should be plenty, after all the rain we got earlier.

                                                 And I have passed the halfway point of my last birthday???? Where does the time go, darlings???????????

                                                    So, a fond farewell to May, 2012, which will always be looked back on with fondness!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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