Friday, June 1, 2012

"Just Because It's June! June! June!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                           To think, girls, that it is June first, already!!!!!  This month is chock full of happenings--important birthdays, the Mermaid Parade, Gay Pride, the start of Summer.....and when it ends, the halfway mark to 2012!!!!!!!!!!  Where has the time gone, loves????????????

                                            I am hoping for a quiet, restful June, since May was for us (Monsieur and myself) fairly frantic!!!!!  You can bet I will report on the events above, and then some!!!!!

                                             No wonder a musical number was written about it!  It is so exciting!!!!!!

                                              So, go out and dance, like the girls above!!!!  I know all my girls can!

                                              I am leaving now, to enjoy this beautiful June day!  And do my plies!!!!!!!!!

                                               Toodles, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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