Saturday, June 2, 2012

Good God, Darlings!!!!!!!!! How Could I Forget???????????

                              When June bust out all over, back in 1967, there appeared one of the greatest album covers ever created, and arguably the greatest work of art the Beatles EVER created. I am, of course, talking about "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," which, from its opening audience sounds, to that
lingering final chord at the end of "A Day In The Life," is pure perfection, and not a note of it should ever
be changed.  Well, it won't; but the point is, the album is THAT perfect.

                                With all I had to do yesterday--doctor's appointments, errands, reading--I completely forgot to sit down and give this its annual play.  So I am urging all my girls to do so today--after 45 years this is still a benchmark in music history, and do you think what is being turned out now begins to compare to it???????  Gag me with a spoon!!!!!!!!!

                                    Baby boomers, who were teens, or approach pubescence when this first appeared--and I am one--loved the music hall quality to "When I'm Sixty Four," but the notion of being such, living a sedate live, as the song suggests, was as distant from our experience, and as inconceivable as youth would
have it.  How do we all feel now, darlings???????  Some of us Are 64, while it is staring others in the face!!!!

                                    Art and Pop seldom intertwine, especially in music, but the Beatles were masters of the form, and truly ahead of their time.  Which is why 'Sgt. Peper' still holds up. So, give it a listen today!

                                     With a little help from your friends, of course, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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