Saturday, June 2, 2012

Heavens, Girls!!!!!!!!!! Has Martha Been Banned From MACY's??????????????

                                    I had to wonder about this the other night, darlings, when, after work Monsieur
and I went shopping for some needed goods--dishes, a rug for the foyer and a teapot.  If you will recall, one or two Christmas seasons ago, I was in said store, where I conspicuously slapped a photograph of Martha Stewart's face.  And I did it with pride.  I understand several people, whom I did not notice, actually applauded.

                                     I freely admit I am no lover of Miss Stewart.  Martha Plimpton, yes, but not this
other one!  So, it was quite interesting the other night, as we walked throughout the store, that, when we came to a Martha Stewart section, there were all these circular signs in green, emblazoned with white letters, reading "Martha Stewart Collection," but no accompanying photos.  Monsieur is positive this is in response to my having slapped Martha's visage before, and maybe he is right!!!!!!!!  But, then, she needs to be

                                     I had to admit that he may have had a point, because the one photo I did see, was very inconspicuous, and, in that photo, she was not looking directly at the camera.  But her money grubbing
face could still be made out.

                                       And, yes, I did slap it, but it was not nearly as fun as slapping Martha head on!
Still MACY's has taken noteworthy action in response to my initial "Martha confrontations!"  Maybe they
read this blog, when I had her as Bitch Of The Week!

                                          Poor Martha! She sees herself as Benevolence personified, but how can she be
when it is all for HER coffer???????????

                                           You just gotta LOVE to HATE her, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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