Saturday, June 2, 2012

Darlings, The Clementis Have Weighed In, And I Am With Them ALL The Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Is anyone out there surprised that the Clementis are less than happy with the
sentencing handed down to Dahrun Ravi by Judge Glenn Berman????   I sure am not, because I feel the same way they do. 

                                           You have heard me on some of this already. But let me add that what I have recently seen adds to all that I have said about Ravi and supports the Clementis.

                                             The photos of Ravi showing up in a driven car, dressed in T-Shirt and jean, with sunglasses, looking for all the world like a film or rock star, and exhibiting something of that attitude, too--"Oh, look at ME; another shot at celebrity!"--really stuck in my craw.

                                               The amount of psychopathology, coupled with narcissism, that he has displayed throughout this tragedy has, I am sure, been discussed among those in the mental health professions.  And, like I said, I agree with everything the Clementis have said, having said much of the same myself, but I have to wonder, at this point, if anything can change Dhaurn Ravi.  And I honestly don't think
it can. He will serve his time, do what is required of him, but I do not think it will have any kind of lasting impact on him, and that is disturbing to me.  I hate to think what it might take--physical violence? death threats?--to reach him, but, in the final analysis, such things would not work, as they would feed into his sense of HE being the victim in all this. Not that he victimized anyone.

                                                   As the years go on, we may lose touch with Dahrun Ravi.  I hope not, completely, because I am interested in how things play out with him.  Time often has a way of evening scores, and I am a great believer in the idea that what goes around, comes around.

                                                    So.........sooner or later, Dharun, something is going to come along and bite you on your bony ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I will clap for joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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