Saturday, June 2, 2012

Girls, I Think It Is Time For Mary To Make Another Apperance!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I really do, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  With my limited knowledge--not being a theologian, myself, the last official appearance was on May 13, 1917, at Fatima.  Only one in the twentieth century, and here we are now, in the twenty-first..  So, not only are we overdue in the matter of time, but recent events have made me wonder that the Queen of Queens does not come on down, to set some folks straight.

                                       This morning, while I was getting ready for work, Monsieur had the TV news on. He called me into the room, because there was a story about nuns. Basically, it said the Vatican is appalled by how some practicing Roman Catholic nuns are behaving; calling them "Radical Feminists."

                                        Oh, really??????????????????????

                                         First, how many practicing nuns are we talking about?  In America, or the world over?  Even if we just stick with America, the number has dwindled; like who becomes a nun, anymore?
"Would a convent take a Jewish girl?" asks a lyric in the musical "Funny Girl."  These days, with so few taking their vows, I am sure it would!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          And how are these nuns being "Radical Feminists"? By speaking out on how the Church needs to expand the role and functions of women in it.  This has been an argument for years, and it has always had a point, but I am telling you, with more and more so-called priests being exposed and shut down, due to pedophile practices, I not only think the time has come, it is getting to be a necessity!!!!!!!!

                                            The Catholic Church has always needed a reality check, when it comes to changing times.  And I can think of no better one, than for Mary to come on down, and basically say, "Come on, guys; get over it!"

                                              Which is what I am sure she would say. But where to say it.  She is famous for appearances in impoverished places, as witness Lourdes and Fatima.  So, in the USA, I am not sure where that might be?????????  Appalachia??????????  The subway platforms of New York???????????
A ghetto community in the South????????

                                                   Clearly, the Vatican needs to be brought to its senses, if the Church is to
continue to function as an organization, and not drive away any more than it already has.  The only way that can be accomplished is by a message from Above--and that means Mary, who is always the emissary in these matters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Hail Mary, full of grace!  Get down here, and slap some face!!!!!!!

                                                     No sacrilege intended, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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