Friday, May 18, 2012

Darlings, How Am I Supposed To Get Up, In The Morning?????

                                  Girls, when the radio goes off at 5:30 a.m. (yes, darlings, and if you think THAT is early, remember that in the world of "Wuthering Heights, they arose at 4!!!!!!!!!!) the dulcet tones of music on WQXR is always mixed with the decidedly masculine voice of Jeff Spurgeon.  What a name!  So, when I saw his pic, I thought, "Who could imagine a DJ would be such a hottie?"  They usually are not!

                                   And I NEVER force my body out of bed, until I hear the news from Kerry Nolan, who, maybe because of the radio she is emanating from, I till recently  thought was "Carrie."  They are both the morning stars of WQXR, and the days do not begin without then!


                                  It seems this week was fundraising week!  Now, I have nothing against that, but when it cuts into routine, forget it!  And this week, while Jeff is still there, Kerry's news spot has been eliminated! And just when Donna Summer dies!!!!  Oh, she is still there, fundraising away, but I have not heard her signature line, "And that's today's news. I'm Kerry Nolan, " which is my cue to get out of bed!!!!!

                                 Get with the program, dolls!!!!!!  When are you getting back to your routine????
It was tough enough when Jeff was out for a week, with a cold, and I had to listen to nebbishy Elliot Field.  But at least Kerry was there!

                                  I want Jeff and Kerry back at their respective posts next week!  Otherwise, I might have to buy an alarm clock.  And I would rather hear their dulcet tones!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   You hear that, management at WQXR????????

                                    They never made a sitcom out of YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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