Thursday, May 17, 2012

This Is One Cold Bitch, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Girls, don't let this cheerful demeanor fool you; this week's winner is one
cold, calculating thing.

                                    The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Stephanie Olson.

                                     Ten years ago, in Georgetown, Kentucky, her mother, Diane Snellen, then 41, was found murdered in her home.  In fact, she was found by Stephanie, who had spent the night with friends (or so she said), then returned home.  She pulled the grieving daughter routine for police, but apparently it became evident what actually happened.

                                     Stephanie was a typical teenage girl; an overripe underachiever, bursting with hormones.  Nothing wrong, there.  Like most, she was champing at the bit for freedom; in less than six months, she would turn eighteen,  but she wanted all the attendant privilege now.

                                        So, she decided to do something about it.

                                        She was no Miss Porter's. honey, so her friends were not top drawer.  She got her druggie boyfriend, David Dressman, and his loser cohort, Timothy Crabtree, to enter the house, and kill Diane, by stabbing her with knives, up to 27 times, 16 of those in the chest!  When it went to court, it could never be proven who actually did the deed; or did all three stab??? It is believed that Stephanie, who instigated the deed, stabbed her mother, too.

                                          They were all found guilty, and sent to prison.  Stephanie got the most, 25 years, though I think she should have gotten Life.  David Dressman got 20 years, while Crabree got a mere six years.  All three were charged with  something I do not understand called "Complicity In Conspiracy To Commit Murder."  Which makes no sense to me, because a murder WAS committed.

                                             Like Pauline Park (portrayed by Melanie Lynsky in the film "Heavenly Creatures") Stephanie committed matricide, but did not have to.  Just six months, and she could have kissed her restricted life goodbye.

                                               Though, let's face it, even if Diane had been spared, hanging out with guys
like Dressman, Stephanie would have been looking at a life of crime at some point.  A friend said, that, months before, when Diane threw a high school graduation party for Stephanie, the girl was seen jokingly making stabbing motions at her mother, with a knife. What foreshadowing!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Nevertheless, when I heard Stephanie's story, I knew I had found this week's Bitch Of The Week. They don't come any colder.

                                                     Even a black widow spider would not mess with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The "Complicity In Conspiracy To Commit Murder" charge was given because they couldn't prove who specifically ended up murdering the woman since all three were involved. They could not charge all three with murder and other charges that could have been filed would not have rendered lengthly enough sentences. Charging all three with complicity to commit allows them to send all three to prison for sentences similar in length to that of a murder charge.

    I actually graduated from high school with this girl.

    1. The Mom's name is actually Diane, not Donna, just thought you might want to know.

    2. Is true , her name is Diane.

    3. Olá,eu sou criadora de conteúdo é estou estudando esse caso,gostaria de mais informações sobre o irmão de Stephanie, Steven que morava fora durante o acontecimento...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It wasn't a baseball bat - she was stabbed 16 times.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. There should be a place provided for kids who are perceived to be a danger (perceived by the parents).
    A boarding school, a school where students are confined, protected and unable to associate with anyone blacklisted by the parents.
    Her friends were 20 & 25 so that tells you enough about their social skills.
    What exactly will she be when she is released at the age of 42, just one year older than her mom ?

  6. Im so curious as to what this website looks like! Ha what a joke

    1. Hey I'm Stephanie I have a wide variety of attributes that I Could contribUte to a relationship. . Which are. .. well I'm a good per.... just help me out bc I'm afkd up individual

    2. Hey I'm Stephanie I have a wide variety of attributes that I Could contribUte to a relationship. . Which are. .. well I'm a good per.... just help me out bc I'm afkd up individual

    3. Hey I'm Stephanie I have a wide variety of attributes that I Could contribUte to a relationship. . Which are. .. well I'm a good per.... just help me out bc I'm afkd up individual

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Actually Diane Snellen was beaten up & stabbed 27 times with 16 of the stab wounds in her chest.

  8. Actually Diane Snellen was beaten up & stabbed 27 times with 16 of the stab wounds in her chest.

  9. Could the baseball bat have been used to beat her?
    Whatever, Diane' death was inexcusable, and Stephanie
    should never see the outside of a prison!

  10. Where did you get your information that the murder weapon was a baseball bat? She was stabbed to death... and im in no way condoning what happened here because I grew up with Stephanie and spent alot of time at her house with Diane and her brother, however, Stephanie was a very bright girl. She could have done anything in life that she wanted to. I faced some legal troubles myself in 2014, and I was in prison with Stephanie for a little bit. She has been working on herself and staying in programs to keep herself busy. She was chosen to be in the PAWS program there where she trained a dog for several years to be a service dog. No one but Stephanie, David, Crabtree, Diane, and God knows what REALLY happened that night.

    1. No!! We all know what happened.three selfish souls took a mother's life!!
      It appears that prison makes some a little slower to draw the right conclusion.

  11. So you were in prison with Stephanie, huh? I guess
    that's makes you real class, hun, darling? NOT.
    So, where do you get off making self=-righteous
    comments when you are an offender yourself?????

    1. Thank you! Who defends someone who kills their own mother?! It's so tragic and sad. She's probably a great manipulator and can make ppl feel sorry for her. But this person's comment broke my heart, smh.

    2. Raving Queen what happened you fell for Stephanie?Sounds like you was played and are trying to get revenge.Only God can Judge

    3. Raving Queen? I know this is an old case and comment from you but I suppose you have never done anything wrong? Or is it that you have never been CAUGHT??? I’m an aging lesbian and partied in the 70’s, 80’s & even a little in the 90’s and I remember how the drugs flowed in the clubs. It really pisses me off that after the centuries of gay people being judged by people who have never met us / you, that you have the audacity to now do the same thing to someone you don’t know. Shame on you! Judge not, least ye be judged. He who is without sin toss the first stone. I’m so glad I didn’t raise my son (also gay) to be a judgemental Asshole ! But I guess it’s easy to talk shit about someone when you’re not face to face and your hiding behind your computer. Harvey Milk would NOT be proud of you

  12. Not every offender is a murderer! Alot of women in the ky. Prison system are there for making a bad decision.....the difference between them and you is they were caught. So I guess you have NEVER done a single illegal thing? Lol-right! I too know Stephanie and when I first met her I would never have thought she would be part in such a crime. She is a very sweet girl and also very intelligent. I did notice however she has some emotional/psychological issues, Such as bipolar disorder. Perhaps if she had had proper treatment for these ailments this terrible event would never have occurred.

  13. Correction: you were never caught. You know what I was trying to say!

  14. Correction: you were never caught. You know what I was trying to say!


  15. Oh, yeah, I knew what you were trying to say. And I
    agree not every offender is a murderer. Points taken.

    As for having never done anything illegal, well you
    may find this questionable, but I haven't. Nor have I
    ever been tempted. I am not saying I am a saint, but I
    never so much as swiped candy from a store when a kid!
    Tea, darling????????????

  16. So you were in prison with Stephanie, huh? I guess
    that's makes you real class, hun, darling? NOT.
    So, where do you get off making self=-righteous
    comments when you are an offender yourself?????

    September 12, 2016 at 9:05 AM

    That was rude and way out of line. You owe that girl an apology. KY is a corrupt state and the more people they lock up, the more money they make. People get DUI's, possession, bad check or unpaid fine warrants in KY. They lock up soccer mom's here. I"ve seen it. KY trades its state inmates around like currency, paying county jails to house them.

    You judged that girl, who the hell are you? Yes, there are bad people in jail, but in KY its very hillbilly still. Lots of crooks with badges. We are the 4th most corrupt state in the USA.

    We had Martha Stewart locked up, that's how much we like to lock up our own, and it's sick.

    I'm not defending the killer here, that poster just made an observation and you plowed her ass. What if she was in for falling behind on child support? That's their favorite thing to lock you up for. Ooohh, bad, bad person there. Good thing they are off the street. I felt so much safer knowing Martha was in jail, I slept so good. That's sarcasm.

    You have a good site here and do good work, I applaud that, and I"ll still come. But you were no where near "tea, darling" to that poster. That was rude. You owe her an apology.

  17. and if I said I did know one of the male killers family and that they still lived in my neighborhood, would you attack me for it?


  18. First, lamb chop, I have never been to
    Kentucky, though I am curious. I have
    no doubt about corruption; I have heard the
    term "old boy justice" many times.

    If a person is in prison, there has to be a
    reason. I am sorry if I offended on social class
    backgrounds, but a crime is a crime. Martha
    Stewart may be s0-called high class, but she
    deserved to go to prison. But, then, all of us
    New Yorkers know she came from Nutley, NJ, so whay
    does that make her in the end?

    High or low born, if a person commits a crime, they
    should pay.

  19. I too was in prison with Stephanie and we were in the dog program together and she is a very bright girl with a talent for training dogs.I have seen her cry over her mother and we may never know what really happened and I get the feeling her Mother my have been abusive towards her but that doesn't excuse murder if she had anything to do with it.I was sentenced to 12 years @ 85 percent for a car accident that did involve drinking and the victim received a fractured rib.If he had died I would have only done 20% for manslaughter and got out sooner.Thats your hillbilly justice and when I was at Otter creek their was so much illegal activity between the officers that it was ridiculus.So many of them were arrested for rape on an inmate.Those hill billy officers had no clue how to run a prison all you had to have to qualify to work there was a reasonable amount of blood pressure.

    1. Her mother was not abusive what so ever! Shame on even saying that shit. She loved her daughter and gave her everything and a single mom. She should be crying every night for what she did. And I feel bad for her living in my house after! She threatened my life and my child at the time. And I'm thankful she was sent to prison it should be for lifetime!

    2. She was just a spoiled little white girl that killed her mother over some dick...


  20. Well, Cheryl, I have heard the same said about prison guards and such,
    up here in Rikers. I actually dated one for two years, and let me tell
    you that was a sad, tragic experience; I wrote a post on it.

    I never thought about Stephanie's mother being abusive, but you
    could be right.

    Sad to see Old Boy justice is still in place.

    I wish you the best!

    1. It's called "Good ol' boy justice," not old boy justice. I suppose us Southerners know the dialect better than some self-proclaimed queen in Yankeeville.

  21. Thank you Sammo F. I appreciate you! :)


  22. Sammo needs to take a chill
    pill, darling!


  23. JWhite,
    Someone capable of matricide
    is a dangerous person--no question
    about it. Stephanie was some piece
    of work.

    And Amber, hon, this site
    is for all things and people.
    It is not a joke. Hon!

  24. Why do you sick people defend her. She killed her mother so she could get more freedom?! Are you fucking kidding me! Oh yeah what a terrific, bright girl...not. If she is working on making amends for what she did then great. However, her mom doesnt get that choice. I hope she lives with what she did every damn day of her life and NEVER forgets.


  25. Steven,

    I agree with you all the way.
    But living with it? Only if
    she has remorse. And that I
    am not quite sure about.

    Thanks for commenting.

  26. Uhhhhh she training dogs, how sweet girl!!
    My mom had 82 yrs old when she died, she was very strict to me and I loved her more than anything. I miss her every day. This hyena deserves at least serve her sentence.

  27. The evil girl burns in hell. My name is pedro from buenos aires , Argentina.


  28. Rachael and Pedro,

    I could not agree more.
    Thanks for both your comments!

  29. IB,

    Well, 'course y'all know the dialect, better, hon?
    Whom do ya think I learned it from. All the good
    Southern writers who came up North--Tennessee Williams,
    Carson McCullers, and Truman Capote, not to mention those
    who stayed there, like Faulkner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Hey there Raving Queen,I think Amber was referring to the webpage for Stephanie seeking men post-release date, not this, your blog site. Also, it seems to me Amber was attempting to be facetious w/her “joke” comment & was targeting the idea of Stephanie actually portraying herself as a “normal” & acceptable choice for a date. (See “For Real” comment above regarding Stephanie having a webpage. Thanks RavingQueen.

  31. “Ah, whom can we ever turn to in our need?”

  32. LilyVal,

    Thank you for clearing that up.
    I wasn't sure. And I agree Stephanie
    portraying herself as normal is a bit

  33. What's not true about it? I grew up with her, she was in my home after her mom was murdered. She deserves a lot longer, LIFE! Her best friend was my step brother, My dad worked with her mom. She had a single mom giving her and her brother the life they breathe. For her to take it away bc she wanted money and freedom. I knew she was evil the night we went on road trip when they told her not to leave the state we did. She stole my car to leave one morning and she threatened my life and my child for crying, and was convicted righ after. Still have nightmares, Such a traumatic way to hurt someone who gave you life! No remorse for her from me

  34. Seems like he got a lot right. What is it that not right? Ill clear it up for you! She deserves life. I still have nightmares from her I'm almost 34 now. I can't believe she was in my home. .

  35. This sick girl needs to rot in prison. I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for her. How can you take your mother's life?


  36. Unknown,

    I agree with you; Stephanie
    should have gotten life. Why
    she did not for a heinous crime
    puzzles me. Hopefully, her parole
    hearings will turn her down!

  37. Well, hello from the uk.
    Interesting reading the comments about Stephanie, I came
    across this site abstractly by accident.

    I was looking for a friend in KY of the same name S.Olson.

    I came across the 'prison dating site', curiosity led me to want to
    know more/validity of the multiple date links, then I arrived

    So, because of my curiosity, I'm going to try and contact the
    Woman in prison, Stephanie. If circumstances allow, without
    causing problems or breaching trust/confidentiality I will
    hopefully update you all with my opinion.

    Tc all


  38. Steve,
    Thanks for sharing on here, and
    please feel free to do so, anytime.
    But I would proceed with caution
    regarding this prison thing.
    Please be careful.

  39. Hi TRQ and folk,
    I hope you're all as well as can be.

    Anyway, as I said I would, I finally got
    around to sending Stephanie a letter today,
    whether that US state allows Uk communication I
    don't know as yet.

    Maybe an update may occur.

    Thank you for the advice TRQ, it's appreciated.

    Best wishes to all



  40. Steve,
    Great to hear from you.
    Let us know how things turn out!

  41. So she'll be released at her mother's age when she was killed by her


  42. Maybe she won't be released.
    She should be locked up for life!

  43. Judy--
    Oh, I get what you are saying--"Judge not, lest be judged," which I agree with most of the tiime, but are you trying to tell me Stephanie should be defended for her actions. And just for your info, hon, I was on the gay sceen, in NYC, but no I never got caught or acquired a record by police.

    What does your rant have to do with Stephanie.
    Just because I did not do drugs does not mean I look down
    on those who do.

    I look down on White Trash and beans n' franks lesbians!

    Maybe you qualify, there, dear?

  44. No physical evident she took part in the crime. No eyewitnesses. In fact one neighbor heard a motorcycle near the time of the murder which would indicate someone else.

    She was convicted because she was a wild teenager who did drugs and didn't want to do what her mother said. Quite frankly I knew many teens that way when I was growing up. Doesn't mean they killed their parent(s.)

    I believe in Stephanie. Don't really care what any of you think. She will be out one day. She has improved herself in a lot of ways from college classes to working with animals.


  45. Chris Bridges,
    Good for Stephanie with the
    college classes and animal work.
    It still does not excuse what she

    But you have the right to believe
    in her. I am the same way about
    Jodi Arias!


  46. Unknown,
    Agreed, but I would go beyond being spoiled.
    Spoiled kids do not always kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!
