Sunday, May 20, 2012

Darlings, I Don't Feel Nearly As Bad As I At First Did!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Girls, you are not going to believe this, but, I swear, it is the truth!!!!!!!!!!!  I just found out yesterday that Anne Hathaway beat out Amy Adams, Kate Winslet and Jessica Biel for the role of Fantine!!!!!!!!

                                      Amy Adams!!!!!!!!!  Can you imagine her being passed over for anything???? Now, I don't feel so bad about not being cast in a part I highly desired!  Amy certainly had the beauty, the voice, and the vulnerability to do the role.  Not that Anne doesn't, but I know what Amy can do musically, and I would have LOVED to hear her on "I Dreamed A Dream".  I keep hearing about Anne's killer rendition, but it is so tightly wrapped, no one can find it anywhere!!!!!  If any of my girls know where it is, let me know pronto.

                                         Remember, darlings, the proof of doing the role of Fantine is in how the one doing it sings that song!!!!!  I have confidence in Anne's abilities, and,  on an interesting side note, I found she comes by it genetically.  Her mother, Kathleen Ann McCauley, was an actress, who, back in the day, was in the Ensemble of the First National Company of "Les Miz"--and understudied the role of Fantine!!!!  So, now the torch is passed from mother to daughter.

                                           As for Amy, who knows?  After she takes the stage by storm this Summer in the Delacorte "Into The Woods," the next Broadway revival of "Les Miz" just may feature her as Fantine! Or she may eventually do a CD, where we get to hear her do "I Dreamed A Dream."

                                          Oh, and darlings--two members of the Original/London Broadway casts are featured in the film.  Colm Wilkinson, who defined Jean Valjean for all time, is making a cameo as the Bishop of Digne, and Frances Ruffelle, who won a TONY Award, for originating Eponine, will play one of the prostitutes.

                                          I was devastated, not being cast as Fantine.  But knowing that I lost out with Amy Adams, I feel honored!!!!!!

                                           I will keep following this, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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