Sunday, May 20, 2012

Girls, Is This Town Being Overrun With Morons?????

                                         Darlings, I think Monsieur is getting out of the Village, just in time!!!! Yesterday, on my way to work, I saw this disgusting ad, which, I think was for condoms.  The ad featured the statement, "I will not put chemicals or BLANK in my vagina!"  This was tasteless enough, but, this being New York, lambs, the white blank space bar was filled with all kinds of things, ranging from "centipedes" to "poop." Which goes to show that some New York morons are even more disgusting than these advertisers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Later, after a long day for us both, and  weighted down with bags, from some domestic shopping at Gracious Homes, we decided to take a Downtown bus, to meet our friend, Harvey, for dinner.  We stood under a bus stop booth that had seat dividers, and one was taken up by this surly looking woman's over sized gold purse.  How she afforded it, or even came by it, I can only guess; but I can tell you, it was NOT on the up and up!!!!!!!!   Monsieur politely asked to be excused, so we could sit; would the woman, mind moving her purse????  The bitch ignored us.  So, to my surprise, Monsieur went into Bitch Mode, saying he was tired of this kind of behavior, and then, to my shock, he and she began to go at it.  I mean, he became ME!!!!   With every other word being "Motherfucker," she demanded to know what he was doing to her purse, who did we think we were, etc.  I was so shocked I was actually at a loss for words--something you know I am not, darlings--but when I heard her say, "You fucking faggots," that's when I had it.  I stood up, shook my finger at her, and said--so help me, God--"Listen, you entitlement bitch, you shut up, or you will be working for me on MY plantation!"  That's right, darlings; you better believe it!  Meanwhile, she is still screaming at us, and this other guy, standing near the bus stop, eggs her  on, saying "You tell them, Mama!"

                                      It is a wonder the cops were not summoned, but I can tell you, I know how to deal with THEM!!!! Give them a blow job, and shut them up!!!!  I am just sorry I did not have the presence of mind to say to this woman, "Get off these steps, you trashy wench; get off this  land!"

                                      What is this town coming to, darlings???????????  Is it any wonder some give up, and move to the suburbs?  Well, to paraphrase Jack Lemmon in "The Out-Of-Towners," this town has not done me in, yet!!!!!

                                         But, with MY luck, in several weeks, this woman will enter my workplace!

                                         Until next time, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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