Monday, May 21, 2012

Today Is A Day For Theater Queens, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Back when I used to have all my Broadway cast recordings on vinyl, I kept a list of the date each  show opened, and where.  On said day, I used to play the album, so that each record would get at least one play a year.

                        As vinyl gave way to other forms, and my collection altered over the years, so, too, did this tradition.  But certain dates always stood out, and today is one of them.

                        On this very night, fifty three years ago, girls, Ethel Merman opened in "Gypsy."  Imagine being in that audience hearing "Some People," "Everything's Coming Up Roses," and "Rose's Turn" for the first time!
Not only was the face of musical theater changed, so, too, was the face of homosexuality!  If any show gave birth to the Theater Queen, it was "Gypsy", because it had all the gay fantasies crystallized into one!

                       Our childhood fantasies of stardom could be fulfilled by enacting Baby and Dainty June, with some of us--not I, darlings!!!--able to do the Baby June split!!!!  Our more sexual outlets could be explored by enacting the three strippers, performing "You Gotta Get A Gimmick!"  My personal favorite was Electra, who had my favorite line, "I'm electrifyn', and I ain't even tryin'!/I never have to sweat to get paid!"  You better believe  it, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       And , of course, the ultimate fantasy of being the Star, the Belter, was encapsulated in Merman's Rose.  When this recording first spellbound me, at the age of 12, I knew that Rose was a role I wanted to play!!!!  I discovered Merman was 50 when she did it, and I vowed when I reached that distant age, I would play it!!!!!

                       Well, time has a way of moving, and I am past that, BUT don't count me out on playing Rose, yet!!!!!  I guarantee you a showstopper.

                        The Original Production also featured something no other one has, and I wish would be restored.  You can see it in the lower left corner of the album cover, and on a full color page of Martin Gottfried's first "Broadway Musicals" book--the Minsky burlesque girls forming a giant Christmas tree!!!!
When I play Mama Rose, this will be reinstated!!!!

                      So, today a salute to "Gypsy!"  More revivals, more Lead Actress TONY Awards, all told, than almost any other musical!!!!  Out of this show are future Theater Queens born!!!!!

                     Moo Moo Moo Moo!, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. My parents saw this production. They were sitting in the balcony, but said they could hear every syllable that came out of the Merm's mouth. And that was before body mics! I saw Angela Lansbury in the first revival, and her performance will be etched in my memory for as long as I live. Just thinking about her Rose's Turn still gives me goose bumps! My first exposure to Gypsy, however, was the film when I was little. I still have that soundtrack album on vinyl. And while I know we're all supposed to loathe and despise that movie, I'll always have a soft spot for it. Love that Roz, not mention Lisa Kirk!

  2. How lucky your parents were! Mine saw Ethel in "Annie Get Your Gun!" I have actually seen all the Broadway roses, with the exceoption of Merman. I was too young. I did not see Linda Lavin when she replaced Tyne Daly. I was curious; but Linda only lasted a week. The only Rose that disappointed me was Bernadette Peters; great in so many other ways, but that role was not one of them!

  3. I know what you're saying about Bernadette. On the other hand, I had a friend who was only about 30 when that revival happened. The Bernadette version was his first exposure to Gypsy, and he fell in love with both the show and Peters. I guess it depends on what version you first see, and how old you are when you see it. Hence my still loving the film version!

  4. One of my coworkers, older than I, thought Bernadette was the greatest! My problem was she was surrounded by a good production--Tammy Blanchard did a wonderful job. But Rose is the Hurricane Eye of the show, and if she is not up to speed, it does not matter how good any one else is.

    I always found the Roz film enjoyable. I loved the way they opened it, simulating being in the audience at a Broadway show. For "Gypsy," I thought that idea was brilliant!

    I can't choose between my favorite Rose; I love them all, for different reasons. Angela was my first, and she really impressed me.

    When I saw the "Pal Joey" revival a few years back, the unofficial "Star" of the evening was Martha Plimpton. As I left the theater, two Theater Queens ahead of me were singing her praises. One said, "In twenty years, that will be the next Mama Rose."

    It would be interesting to find out. Better that than Babs as "Grandma Rose!"

  5. Oh yeah, Babs is far too old. I remember when Lucy played Mame. I saw it at Radio City and thought I needed glasses every time Lucy was on the screen. She was so blurry from all that Vaseline on the lens! I guess today with CGI they could make Barbra look younger but still! It reminds of that mid 60's revival of Annie Get Your Gun where these little children were playing Merman's brother and sisters! She looked like their grandmother!
