Monday, May 21, 2012

OK, He Got Some Jail Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Well, girls, the news is in, and, as soon as it was, I said I  would report it to you. Dahrun Ravi, that arrogant prick, has received, indeed, a jail sentence.  Of 30 days.  That is right; you heard me!!!!!!!!

                                The prosecution is appealing, and I am with them all the way. But even if it just results
in this sentence, remember, at least he is, by this act, being held to some degree, accountable for what he did!
And that this is something he will live with the rest of his life.  Wait till future employers Google his name.  Or check this blog, darlings!!!!!!!  Ravi may not be deported to India, but with his record besmirched over here, he may have to go back there, if he wants to start any kind of life.

                                 I know the Clementis did not want a harsh penalty for him, but did they expect something as paltry as this???????  I have to wonder.

                                   And they have been busy, and will continue to be, I am sure, promoting the
Tyler Clementi Foundation.  They recently attended a Bergen County performance of the Moises Kaufman play, "The Laramie Project," and were impressed, not only by the performance, but by the parallels to Matthew Shepard's  and Tyler's tragedies.  My hearts go out to them on this day.

                                   Again, he is going to do time in a prison; an experience, however brief, that, I hope,  alters him, but good.  While I am sure there may be some inmates who will empathize with him, there may be others who don't, and so he should watch his back, darlings!!!!!!!!  He may get more than he bargained for!

                                    Which would serve this remorseless, arrogant prick right.  Not once have I ever heard or read of him saying he was sorry what happened to Tyler, or express any kind of apology or regret to the Clementis.

                                      And that is why I think a longer jail sentence would have been appropriate.

                                      But we have to remember, he IS being held accountable!

                                       And we have to remember, that while it is no secret I am with the Clementis all the way, and have been from day one, because of Ravi, three families--the Clementis, Weis and his own--have been altered by his behavior.  Nothing in their backgrounds should ever have really brought them together.  The parents of Tyler and Ravi should have had no more association than moving their offspring in, and moving them out. This would have been both of  these young men's  Sophomore year, and I am sure, had, none of this happened, neither would be rooming with the other now, and both would have been happier for that.

                                         But Mr. Ravi's actions altered that, and succeeded in obliterating Tyler Clementi.

                                          So, off to prison you go, you loathsome creature.  I hope you are taught a lesson by those there.

                                           The Mills of Justice may grind exceedingly small, but they DO grind!!!!!!!!!!

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