Monday, May 21, 2012

So Long, (For Awhile!!!!!!) But Not Farewell, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Girls, I have to write this, to let you know, I may not be with you for the next several days; I hope a week, at the most.  Tomorrow begins the much worked for, anticipated, move of Monsieur and myself, from our respective residences in Queens and the West Village, to the joint one of our own in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.  Not only is my body pain wracked from stone floors, darlings, I am a nervous wreck!!!!!!!!!

                               So, let us focus on when I do return.  You will get  a full account of the move, including which movers were hot, and which weren't!!!!!!!!  Would I let my girls down????  I will have more writing material to draw on, because there is so much out in Bay Ridge that can be written about, from the Alpine Cinema to Salon Briana, among others!!!!!!!!!!!!  As well as I have done by Woodside for lo these 15 (can you believe it???) years, my heart has never been there, but always belonged to Bay Ridge.  And there really was not much to write about out there. (In Woodside, I mean!) Though, I am telling you, though I will be far removed from it, I will journey to Long Island City once in awhile for a meal at Manducattis.  It is worth the trip; even if you are on Staten Island, or in Jersey!!!!!!!

                                 My books, my clothes, my coffee maker--HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Tomorrow, Woodside becomes History--or at least part of mine--and a new chapter begins.  One that I will keep you all informed on!   I was unable to get a pic of my residence in Woodside, but I will do my best to get one of the new one in Bay Ridge.  This nabe has come a long way since the days of "Saturday Night Fever" and the roughness it had around the edges in the Eighties.  And I will no longer be running so cavalierly back and forth to Manhattan, like I did when I was a young thing, first living there!   I just don't have the energy now, girls!!!!!!!!!  Who the hell does, I wonder????????????

                                    So a bientot, my sweets, till next we meet again, in what residents call The Ridge!!!!!!!!!

                                      Mon Dieu!!!!!!!!!!!!   Adieu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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