Friday, May 25, 2012

The Queen Has Returned, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Now, darlings, you really did not think I would post a pic of Charlize Theron, now, would you?  That would not be very accurate, and go against tradition.  Anyway, I am back, and we have arrived in Bay Ridge Brooklyn, where the view is pretty, and the nights, so far, are peaceful and quiet.

                               But I know what you want to know.  The movers, who transported both of us--me on Tuesday, Monsieur on Wednesday--were great at their jobs, but they were not hotties!!!!  However, the cable guy, who installed this computer and the telephone/cable lines, was one cute thing.  He sort of looked like Danny Pino, as Amaro, on "SVU'.  No, girls, nothing happened, but it was so much fun to watch him work!!!
If we have to have Time Warner out here again, you can bet he is the one we will ask for.  I bet all their customers do!!!!!!

                                Now, I must apologize.  Today is Friday, which means Thursday went by, without a Bitch Of The Week.  But, not to be discouraged, loves, the next two weeks are going to be great, I have some real, Grade A bitches, coming up!!!!!!

                                And I have a few things I have to report that I missed.  More on Dharun Ravi, not to mention Etan Patz, Fleet Week, and the anniversary of a long forgotten film classic, and another one of Musical Theater!!!!!!

                                So, let's get started, girls!!!!  Life begins in Bay Ridge!  As the line goes in "A Chorus Line, "Go to it!"

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