Friday, May 4, 2012

Darlings, Why Aren't My Days Off, Ever Like Ferris Bueller's??????

                                     Well, girls, here I am on my day off, and do you think it is a bit like Ferris Bueller????
Are you kidding?  Now, some of you may ask, why didn't I say, "like Matthew Broderick," but, honey, with him appearing in that travesty called "Nice Work, If You Can Get It," why would I????  And poor Kelli O'Hara; such a talent, and what a come down from her brilliant turn in "The Light In The Piazza'!!!!!

                                       The best thing I can say about today is I have two extensive subway rides, which will give me the chance to immerse myself in "Wuthering Heights."  How I would much rather curl on a divan indoors, with this weather we are getting, so that I can feel I am living "Wuthering Heights," while reading it????

                                        But, so it goes, dolls!  When done here, I have to head out to Woodside, to get rid of still  more books (that Kindle is looking better each day!!!!), make some address changes, and contemplate what will be the first personal items I bring into the new digs in Bay Ridge.  It won't be Home, until I do, darlings!!!!!!!!!!
                                      All this running about is almost something to make one long for work, where one is comparatively stationary.  It seems when I was younger, my days off were...REAL days off!!!!  Now, as I get older when they actually SHOULD be, they are not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I guess this is what's called "Catch-22," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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