Saturday, May 5, 2012

Girls, Is Pizza Hut In Cahoots With The AMA To Kill Off The American Population???????

                                 Darlings, I am so sick and tired of seeing these televised ads, hawking these
highly starched, high cholesterol, artery clogging meals.  Don't they just look disgusting????  The
second one especially, which features pizza COMBINED with bread sticks you dip in marinara
sauce, and THEN breaded cinnamon sticks that you dip in a sweetened white sauce.

                                  This is not a healthy meal.  Which is why these ads have made me ask the question above.  The one good thing is, I know of no one who has partaken of these offerings, or who would even want to!!!!!!!  Just watching the commercials is enough to turn me nauseous!!!!!!!!!

                                   What is Pizza Hut thinking???????  You have to wonder!!!!!!!  I would love to hear from an employee or manager, justifying how they sell such unhealthy garbage.  And why hasn't the Board of Health looked into this.  Or are they just content to let people eat their way through this glop into a series of hospital stays ranging from diabetes to heart disease?????????

                                      The thing that is sad, darlings, is that there is a bit of social discrimination at work.  I would wager the clientele who do eat this stuff are low incomers, who do so because it is quick, inexpensive, and can feed a crowd of people (if the family is large) quickly.

                                         Who among my girls has not enjoyed a pizza once in awhile???? When I was growing up, it used to be a Friday night treat.  But that was just once a week, and the crust was thin, not like this and things were not piled on to extreme.

                                            Do you think I would eat any of this????? Or MY girls??????????

                                            Stick to watercress, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             This junk reallly should be taken off the market. But as long as the ads keep airing, they must be accomplishing something, and as long as it sells, it will be distributed.

                                               Doctors are going to have a feeding frenzy, thanks to this!!!!!!!!!

                                                Do you think, darlings, that in the film classic, "Pizza Boy--He Delivers," this is what David Ashfield delivered????????????  I think not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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