Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day, Darlings!!!!!!

                             Girls, can you believe we have made it to another????  This is the time of the year when my heavy duty--very thick, very lengthy  books--reading kicks in, as well as a time to remember when the parade in my hometown of Highland Park, New Jersey, was the biggest event of the year (and most likely still is) and when Summer was kicked off by a parade past my grandmother's house on Nassau Street in North Brunswick, as we all sat on the front porch, and then withdrew to the yard, for a spectacular cookout.

                            Yes, Memorial Day is a time for remembrance, whatever those memories may be!!!!!

                             The next 80 plus days are the most magical in the year, when one can dress comfortably, go swimming, ride amusements, and spend more time outdoors, thereby eliminating that cabin fever having plagued one all Winter!!!!!

                              Enjoy, darlings, enjoy!!!!  And whatever your Memorial Day memories, guard them well!

                              Just like the corners of our mind, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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