Monday, May 28, 2012

"On The Avenue.....Third Avenue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       Well, darlings, when Irving Berlin wrote that lyric, he said, "Fifth Avenue," and, of course, that strip is out here, too, in Bay Ridge.  But the main one nearest to us on Ridge Boulevard is Third, and, yesterday, Monsieur and I were up and down it, dining at the Lighthouse, Mr. Tang, Vesuvio, and who knows what to come.  Monsieur got a manicure/pedicure at Nail Magic, darlings, and, after Mass, we dined at Anopoli's (which used to be Logue's, when I first  lived out here!!!!!) Ice Cream Parlor.

                         I had been advised by those in the know to attend St. Andrews Church (which, interestingly, was just a block from my old apartment!!!!) because it was more "gay friendly."  Well, the pastor, Guy Massey, was a lovely gentleman, and the major portion of his acolytes seemed to be this group of hard edged lesbians, whom you damn well better believe ran the show!!!!!!  Imagine my shock, after such a high recommendation of Pastor Massey was validated, to hear he is leaving at the end of June!!!!  Wonder if those lesbians had anything to do with it???????

                        Monsieur was on his best behavior, and yes, delivered his most solid qualification--having seen "The Song Of Bernadette!!!!!!"   I heard some things at this service I had not heard in years: old responses.  For example, when the priest said "The Lord be with you," instead of the more modern "And also with you," they went back to the more antiquated, "And with your spirit."  Later, when the words "Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God" were spoken, I heard "It is right and just", (I cannot recall the last time I heard that) rather than, "It is right to give Him thanks and praise."  Did it ruin anything????? Of course not!!!!!!

                        And, honeys, wait till you hear this!!!  I swear, Destiny is following me!!!!  There was this tall, attractive, raven haired woman, about mid-Thirties, who served as a Collector.  She had on a glamorous red, two piece suit, that hankered back to the Forties, as did her hairstyle.  Girls, you are not going to believe this, but I swear to you, she was the living resemblance of Jennifer Jones, circa 1944!!!!
I mean, what more could one ask????????????

                         So, Sunday along the Strip in the Ridge was a memorable one.

                          Now, I can't wait to show Monsieur the esplanade along the water!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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