Monday, May 28, 2012

Whew!!!!!!!! I'm Finally Done With That Suzanne Collins!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 Darlings, I finished "Mockingjay," and thus can now say I have read the entire "Hunger Games" trilogy.  Was it worth it??? Yes.  But, it was not as pleasurable as reading other things, including "Harry Potter."

                                  The final book is beautifully constructed, and ends on a very satisfying note, with all plot threads resolved.  Miss Collins leaves no wiggle room for a fourth book, so, if, down the road, one appears, I will be royally pissed!!!!!!!!  And I will not read it!!!!!!!!!!  Three is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  When I finished the book, I closed it, heaved a brief sigh of contentment, but privately thought, "Thank God!  Now, I can get back to things that REALLY do it for me!!!!"  Which is not to say I want to denigrate these books; I chose to read them, they ARE well written, and I understand their popularity.  I am just not part of the group that revels in that popularity.  Would I recommend them?  I would, but with reservation.  If you know right off this is the type of literature that does not work for you, read them knowing they will be far superior to most similar  generic junk out there, but that, once you are done (because if you read one, you WILL want to read the others!!!) a return to more serious literary exploration is in sight!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Listen, I commend Miss Collins for her success!!!!! And she CAN write!!!!!!!!!  Unlike that Stephanie Meyers!!!!!!!!!!!  I would rather read Stephanie March!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   So, the Trilogy becomes part of my reading history!!!!!!!!!   It was a worthwhile time investment, but it made me pine for the days of my youth!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    When I would read--are you ready, girls????--Barbara Taylor Bradford!!!!!!!!!!

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