Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It Is Tyler Time, Again, Loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     How do you like that, darlings??????  Weeks go by, without a word, and here I am, writing about Tyler Clementi again.  Let me begin by saying something that right now will seem incomprehensible, but I promise down the road, will make sense.

                                       The other day, I just began reading Emily Bronte's masterpiece, "Wuthering Heights" for what I believe is the ninth time.  There is a scene, early on, that breaks my heart, and this time around, it made me think of Tyler.  I will not reveal this fully till after my reading is complete, but I will say it
does occur when Mr. Lockwood spends the night at Wuthering Heights.

                                         The reason for writing today is that Mr. Ravi, from what I understand, wants to have, and believes they should, all charges be dismissed against him, especially as he did not invade Tyler's privacy.

                                            Oh, really??????????????

                                             Listen, you scum, even if you had just taken a peek at Tyler in the shower,
that is still an invasion of privacy.  Which is one reason I always shower alone.  The other is having seen Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" at a young, impressionable, age.

                                               Can you believe the crust of this young prick??????  The sheer narcisssism and arrogance of his attitude.  Not to mention it speaks of an underlying fear of him going to prison.

                                                 Well, I have news for you, Dahrun,  doll!!!!!!!!!!  You set all this in motion, and you are going to have to face the consequences of what you have done. What those will be, and how much, will not be known until May 21, but I feel, given the verdict the jury passed, that some kind of reckoning is coming.

                                                    Notice he still has said not one word of apology or regret to the Clementi family.  At this point, I think he would be able, and at this point, it might be to his benefit to do so.  But his self righteousness will not allow for it.

                                                       So, take that self-righteousness with you, wherever you are assigned to go, upon sentencing.  See how much good it will do you, there.

                                                          I almost wish Dahrun would vanish into obscurity, as it is painful having to write about him in relation to Tyler.  I wish I could write something more affirming, like brother James did, but then, I don't have the familial connection that he does, and I never met Tyler.  Though a day does not pass when I wish I had.

                                                           When I think of Tyler, another literary allusion comes to mind--Allen Ginsberg's opening line of his poem "Howl" regarding "the best minds of my (his) generation."  Tyler was among the best, and the one who snuffed him out deserves to be punished for what he did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               See you in the Hole, Dahurn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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