Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Oh, My God, Darlings!!!!!!! Was Liberace A Sex Addict?????????

                                             Girls, the other night, I saw this story, featuring Liberace's ex-lover, still
living, Scott Thorson.  Now, Liberace died on February 4, 1987. He was in his late sixties, and, interestingly, it was just mere months before "Chorus Line" impresario Michael Bennett died. Both succumbed to AIDS at what was then the height of the AIDS Epidemic.

                                               Now, there is going around this story that Scott, who has done a sort
of Jennifer Jason Leigh (surgically altering himself to look something like Liberace, just as Leigh changed her clothes and hair to resemble Bridget Fonda in the 1992 thriller, "Single White Female") and the results are downright creepy. The question must be asked--who in their right mind would want to look like Liberace????    Hold that thought for now, girls!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 The allegation is out there that Scott had some kind of fling with Michael Jackson.  Again, why???????  Though, in an odd way it makes sense--Scott altering himself to look like Liberace, and Jackson altering himself to resemble...anyone but Michael Jackson????? Remember when you could not tell him from Diana Ross?????????  He should have quit while he was ahead, darlings!!!!!

                                                   Somewhere in all this, I heard references made to Liberace, and the fact that he was promiscuous, and clearly labeled a "sex addict."  To which, I say--you have GOT to be kidding!!!!!!!   Now, I don't deny Liberace had a steamy sex life, but look at him.  That he died of AIDS, combined with his fame and the way he looks, indicates that sex life came in a series of business transactions with enterprising young men, because who in their right mind would want to have sex with Liberace????? Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl!!!!!!  I mean, can you imagine having to listen to THAT voice?????   Or, how about a three way with he, Truman Capote, and Harvey Fierstein?????  It would be enough for Helen Keller to thank God she was deaf!!!!!!!  And throw in Bea Arthur for a fourth!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     It was enough to cause me to flee to the kitchen!!!!!!!!  And just where was Mama Liberace when all this hanky panky was going on????? Stuck in the basement, like Mrs. Bates???????   I wonder.

                                                      Sexual addiction can victimize anyone, regardless of age or how good or bad one looks.  But let's face it, the prospect of say Liberace vs, say, Jake Gyllenhaal, which would you rather contemplate.  (And, no, I am not saying Jake is a sex addict, but if he were, it would be easier on the eyes than Liberace!!!!!!!!)

                                                        Do I care whether or not Scott Thorson had a fling with Michael Jackson???????   Absolutely not.  I think Thorson is the one who cares, because now that the Liberace gravy train has dried up, this Hollywood hanger-on has to find a way to.....keep hanging on!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Many of us hunger for fame, darlings; I can attest to that!  But some have a little more integrity in how they choose to go after it.

                                                            Liberace?????????  Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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