Thursday, May 10, 2012

There's No Bitch, Like A Show Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Now, darlings, as you know, I am the last one who has to be told about the bitchery that is at large in the world of show business, partly because I have seen it, and the other being sometimes at the center of it, first hand.

                                         This week's winner is especially interesting, because, as long as she has been on the scene,. she has had a spotty reputation. Now, she hops into first gear as this week's Bitch Of The Week.

                                           The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is.......actress
Jane Adams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            The thing is, I like Jane as an actress.  She does good work.  What I am thankful, from what I hear, is that I don't have to work with her.  Jane seems not to work a lot; there are large intervals between her jobs, and there are reasons for this.

                                              A former coworker of mine, here in New York, once worked as a lighting
designer for the late Tony Randall's theater company.  I forget what the production was, but Jane was  in it. At one point, during rehearsals, something was not going right, and Jane was unhappy about it.  She and the director could not agree, and so Jane stopped things, walked downstage, plunked herself down on the floor, and began to cry copiously......until she was given in to!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Some of my girls out there may recall Jane's breakthrough performance in Todd Solondz' film, "Happiness."   Some others emerged from that also--Philip Seymour Hoffman and Cameron Manheim.  Jane was brilliant in it.  However, several years later, I read an interview with Todd Solondz, where he talked about Jane, being, basically, more trouble than she was worth, and that he would never work with her again.

                                              And she has a TONY Award to boot, which she won, in 1994 for the Broadway revival of "An Inspector Calls."

                                                As I have said, I do not dispute Jane's talent for a second!!!!!! But how does she keep getting jobs??????????

                                                   And, as Bette Davis once said, "It gets better!"

                                                   Recently, Jane took her bitch act offstage. While dining at the Beverly Hills eatery, Barney Greenglass,  she was  waited on by Jon Barrett-Ingles, when the $13.44 bill came. Jane cried poor, saying she must have left her wallet in the car. The obliging waiter, out of respect for her (he knew who she was) told her she could go and get it, and come back--but Jane never returned!!!!!!!  The next day, Jane's agent paid the amount--but without leaving the waiter a tip!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      The waiter wrote about this on his Twitter, and, apparently, somehow, it got back to Jane. She demanded that he be fired and the restaurant complied!!!!!!!!!!  Are they fools or what?????? Who is more in the wrong here?  And what kind of entitlement issues does Jane have; it is not like she is Barbra or Meryl, and as difficult as La Strident can be at times, I have never heard of anything like this from her!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         So, Jane has scaled the ladder from theatrical bitch to all around one.
With her appearance last night on 'SVU' (more on that to come, dolls!!!!!!!), her selection as Bitch Of The Week could not be more timely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           Get with the program, Jane!!!!!!!!  Before the bright lights dim on you permanently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I had a friend who worked at Henri Bendel's years ago. Natalie Cole did some shopping there. When she was leaving, a young security guard very discreetly asked her for her autograph, which she gave him. She then went to the manager's office and demanded that the young man be fired. He was. I think of that every time I see Natalie Cole!

  2. Wow! That makes me think twice about Natalie! I hope the young security guard took that autograph, and tore it up! I would have!

  3. On the other hand, this same friend told me that Joan Collins was an absolute doll. He personally waited on her at Bendel's and said she was very self deprecating and hilariously funny. He loved her.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I like Ms. Adams, as an actress. I just watched her guest-starring role in the surrealistic portrayal of a cold-blooded serial killer in the 2005 TV movie Jesse Stone: Stone Cold inspired by author Robert B. Parker.

    I also remember watching her as Niles girl-friend in the 1/2-hr. sitcom Frasier. I especially enjoyed her performance in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

    In fact, I've watched nearly every film and TV show that she was in. And, I can honestly state that she exhibits an on-screen confidence that I find lacking from many other actresses.

    Of course, I am smitten by her. Most men would be. Her smoldering eyes and sparkling voice have entertained many of my fantasies. I even dated a girl who's voice and appearance were eerily similar. But, her dopple-ganger didn't use mouthwash, so the resemblance ended there.

    So what if she's not what you expect in real life?! 99% of you won't ever meet her. If you don't like her acting, don't watch anything she's in.

    But, don't critique her acting based upon rumors, hearsay or innuendo about her off-screen personality. Or, would that require greater critical thinking skills than you're capable of?

    Personally, I would enjoy being mistreated by her. I am a real man; not some whiny cry-baby like the starry-eyed security guard who's dreams were shattered when he met a real woman. She can manhandle me roughly, anytime.
