Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chick Flick Queen Has Croaked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       "I'll have what she's having."
                                          --Woman in "When Harry Met Sally"

                                  Estelle Reiner, mother of Rob, wife of Carl,  spoke that famous line, but, more importantly, Nora Ephron wrote it.

                                    No, darlings, I have not lowered my standards to that of the New York Post, judging from the above headline.  I just wanted to get your attention quickly, because attention must be paid to Nora Ephron, who passed away this week from a leukemia very few
(though I bet Meryl was one!) knew she was suffering from.

                                       Nora may have written some great chick flicks, but she was more than that.  She also parlayed her own personal misery into a book and film ("Heartburn") and she was responsible for one of Meryl's early groundbeaking films, "Silkwood," which examined the case of Karen Silkwood, and established Cher, in the role of a lesbian (!!!!!) as a dramatic actress!!!!!!!!

                                          And, of course, there was "Julie and Julia."

                                          I felt such a sadness when Monsieur burst into the room the
other night saying, "Nora Ephron just died."  I could hardly believe it.  Then I found out
it was true.

                                           Nora Epron was a smart, talented woman, who made it in a place (Hollywood) where smart, talented women are sometimes ignored.  But her quality could not be.
It will be remembered, along with her work, as she is missed.

                                              Rest In Peace, Nora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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