Thursday, June 28, 2012

Girls, I Am Telling You, The Anguish Just Keeps Going On!!!!!!!!!!

                            Darlings, I don't know how an actor does it. If you perform nightly in "Les Miserables," and, moreso, if you are  doing the role of Fantine eight times a week, how does one stay sane?  I have recently completed that secton of the novel, I am not even a quarter of the way through, and, as expected Fantine hangs over me.  The more I read this book, the more I feel I am
living it, becoming Fantine.  Yes, I may be able to do a killer "I Dreamed A Dream," but I am telling you, if I were cast, I am not sure I could do eight performances a week.

                            However, for getting into character, I also freely suggest that any actor in any of the musical's roles, read the entire Victor Hugo novel to get an idea of what they are truly creating. It can only help inform your performance, whether you are playing Fantine, or in the Ensemble.

                              "And so Fantine was placed in the farthest corner of the
                               cemetery, which belongs to everyone, and no one, and
                               to which the poor are lost.  Hopefully, God knows where
                               to look for a soul. Fantine was placed  within a public
                               grave; she suffered the promiscuity of dust. Her tomb
                               resembled her bed."

                        That is how Victor Hugo finishes off her story.  No wonder I wanted to close the book, and not go on.  And no wonder this is so fear arousing.  Yet I must continue, for it is what
Fantine, who did her best to survive at all costs, and it did cost her, would have wanted, and because it is one of the masterworks of literature, and deservedly so.  And while other characters come into play-Jean Valjean, Cosette, Marius Pontmercy, Eponine, all of whom can be empathized with-- the spirit of Fantine hangs over all, as shall be seen at the end.

                         Re reading "Les Miserables" is a gripping, almost painful experience.

                          One does not just read "Les Miserables." One lives it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Can't wait for something more cheerful, girls!!!!!!!!!  But I know it will come!!!!!

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