Thursday, June 28, 2012

Make Sure You Tune In Tonight, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           The Clementis are speaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           For the first time, since the absymal sentencing of Dahrun Ravi, they will be
heard, tonight, on NBC's "Rock Center With Brian Williams," where they will be interviewed
by verteran reproter Lester Holt.  The program airs at 10PM, so I want all my girls to catch
this important airing.

                            Among the topics discussed are their changing attitudes toward homosexuality.
With storng , Christiian (but I never believed homophobic) beliefs, Tyler's coming out threw them for a loop, Jane particularly.  Which has led to a guilt she deals with every day; Tyler's remark that
his mother "rejected him."  I don't believe for a minute she did, but when your child tells you soemthing as momentous as this, it has got to be a surprise.  Even I, as a gay adult, had I raised a
child, and that child were to come out, I would advise being proud, but cautious.

                            They mention Tyler was grappling with demons in the days before his demise.
Probably normal teenage demons, coupled with struggling with his sexuality.  The latter which helped trigger his demise, when the airing broke on cyber. Not only was he humiliated by what Ravi had done, he was devastated by the lack of support--any--he received from his dorm mates.
That to me is inexcusable.  Not one came up to Tyler in those days, and said, "I am sorry they did this to you."  It might very well have made a difference.

                              And of course the sentencing comes in for questioning, the most incisive remark being that the message sent to future prosecutors is that such matters are of no consequence, that they are not important.

                                Well, with their speaking out, and the foundation they have established, the Clementis are seeking to change all that, and I applaud their efforts.  Especially since, as I have kept saying, this very ordinary couple from Ridgewood, who had no right to expect anything more than to live an ordinary life seeing their sons grow into adulthood, have been thrust into a spotlight which, to their credit, they are not shirking, but which I am  sure, with Tyler present, they would rather not be in.  Which makes their actions doubly admirable.

                                  So, tune in tonight, darlings!!!!!!!!!  It is important to all of us who remember Tyler Clementi's tragedy, and as a beacon for the future that such tragedies, while maybe not being completely eradicated, may be reduced by causing others to think of the consequences of their actions!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     See you at ten, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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