Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Darlings, Careen Is Gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                No disrespect to Ray Bradbury, but more catastrophic to my darlings was the passing on Monday evening  of actress Ann Rutherford, who most famously played youngest sister, Careen O'Hara in "Gone With The Wind" at the age of 94!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God, girls--another GWTW cast member bites the dust!!!!!!!

                                 Ironically, I knew of Anne long before my first reading or viewing of "Gone With The Wind." The Hardy films, featuring Mickey Rooney as Andy Hardy, and Lewis Stone as his father, the Judge, were shown frequently on television during my childhood--and Ann played Andy's long suffering girl friend, Polly Benedict.  By the time I reached the age of 13 and saw the Selznick classic initially, I already knew who she was.

                                  I am telling you, how I wanted to come swirling down the stairs to my mother, back then, wanting to wear a garnet, let alone stay up late for the ball!!!!!!!  I am sure many of us out there, anxious to go to parties ourselves (and what parties, all you future queens!!!!!!)  could relate easily to Ann as Careen.

                                  For those keeping track, Olivia De Havilliand, who, of course played Melanie is the survivor among the major players. But still around also, are Alicia Rhett, who played India Wilkes; Mary Anderson, who played Maybelle Merriwether, and was Jeanne Abadie in "The Song Of Bernadette."  Both women are in their 90's.  And Mickey Kuhn, who, I think played the older Beau Wilkes (the one with lines) is still around also.  After 73 years of making a classic.

                                   How can we honor Ann, girls??????? In one of two ways--either our own personal viewing of "Gone With The Wind," or an ice cream soda at the fountain.

                                      Personally, dolls, I am in favor of both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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