Thursday, June 14, 2012

Girls, This Bitch Could Make The Top Ten!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  If I were to publish, at year's end, the Ten Best Bitches Of The Year, Tiffany Cole, this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, would be on it. She also bears another distinction--at present, she is one of four women on Florida's Death Row!!!!!!!!!!

                                   You have to be real scum to get there, so let me tell you what Tiffany did.  In a way, it goes back to when she was a little girl.

                                      Her mother had her as a teen, and was a Bad Girl, so Tiffany did not grow up
in the best surroundings.  The father walked out.  On the Florida street, where Tiffany grew up, lived a loving couple, Carol and Reggie Sumner.  They felt bad for the troubled girl, and, in a sense, mentored her, giving her the parental feel she lacked at home.  Tiffany should have been grateful, and, up to a point, she was. But what a way of paying them back!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Eventually, the Sumners sold their home, and moved to North Carolina. Tiffany got older, fell in with a bad crowd--drinking, drugs, and drawn to bad boys.  Two of those were boyfriend Michael Jackson (no, not the pop singer, darlings; that would have been a step up!!!!!) and his cousin, Bruce Nixon, only 18 at the time.

                                           While travelling in North Carolina, and looking for a place to stay, Tiffany and Michael turned to the Sumners.  She knew where they lived, and they  were glad to see her, putting she and Michael up for the night. During a conversation, it was learned that when the Sumners sold their Florida house, they made a $99K profit.  The young couples' eyes gleamed.   Thus began a plan to rob the Sumners and get that cash for themselves.  Michael enlisted the aid of his cousin, Bruce, and the two abducted the couple on July 8, 2005, taking them to a wooded area near Charlton County, Georgia, and, after getting their pin numbers and promising to spare them, dug and hole and literally buried the couple alive!!!!!!!!!!

                                              When the trial came in 2008, Jackson got the death sentence, and I think by now he  has been executed. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Nixon copped a deal and got a Life Sentence.
Tiffany got Death, even though she maintained that, while she was in on the plan to rob the couple, she had no idea they were going to be killed. Yeah, right!!!!!!!!!!  Crocodile, tears, bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  The forensic pathologist on the case said it was the most horrible thing she
had seen in twenty years of doing her job.   So it looks like Tiffany is right where she belongs, and, if Justice does get served, she will fry or get the needle!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       You know, the minute I heard about this one, darlings, I knew  I had found a true Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!  And then some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Burn, baby, Burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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