Friday, June 22, 2012

Divinity Turns Another Year, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Girls, I am telling you, you just cannot believe what a momentous day this is!  What was in the stars around now,  I wonder?????

                                   First, today is what I understand to be the Longest Day Of The Year.  After that, they start getting shorter, till we are back to darkness at 4:30PM.  But that won't be for awhile.  What I am
always confused about is-if there is a Longest Day, there has to be a Shortest Night???? So, which is it???
Was it last night??????  Or is tonight???????  Actually, at my age, darlings, all nights seem short, as when
that workday alarm goes off, it just seems I do not want to get out of bed, and it seems like I just got into
it, minutes before!!!!!!!!!!

                                   It is also the 43rd Anniversary of the Death Of Judy Garland. A milestone in
my life. Having just graduated from the horror that was 8th grade, and getting hit with this--the death of an
icon before I even understood she was an icon or that I was gay; all I knew was I adored her voice and talent--it was all too much for me to bear.  I still recall being unable to move from the news coverage, my parents so concerned that they took me--that day--to a screening of "Ben-Hur," which had been reissued that year, at the Clairidge Cinema (before it became a Multiplex) in Montclair, not far from Cedar Grove, New Jersey, where my Aunt Martha and Uncle Jack lived, with their backyard swimming pool, to which I was taken after the film.  I can still recall this vividly.

                                     The above incident is also indivisibly associated with the Stonewall Riots, and may very well have been one of the catalysts for them, although, while it would be poetic to think the first one took place on this day, that did not actually happen till six days later, on the 28th. But if  one is gay, and of a Certain Age, you think of Stonewall on this day!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         But, the happiest of all, is that this is also the birthday of the Divine Meryl Streep!!!!!!!  An icon for all--gays, actors, feminists, humanity in general--whose artistry is unequaled, and whose classiness cannot be beat.  Miss Streep turns 63 today, and, honey, we should all look as good as she at that age!!!!!!

                                           My girls on here and I, of course, wish Meryl the best!!!!!!!  Wonder how she celebrates??????  And what can we do to celebrate????????  I say, keep it simple; have a nice meal tonight, and drink a toast to Meryl!!!!!!!!  Or, go to the theater tonight, and acknowledge Meryl silently, as the lights go down at the start of your respective show.  However you do, we are graced with Meryl for anther year, and that is happy news indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             And Divinity is ageless, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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