Friday, June 22, 2012

"Mahhhhhhhhh Firrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrst Excluuuuuuuuuuuusive!!!!!!!!!"

                                     The question has got to be asked, darlings!!!!! Can two nationally known bloggers
dine together in civil tranquility?????  Actually, it seems they can, because, last eve, Monsieur and I dined at
Kuchter's Tribecca with those two Gents About Town, Frank and Mark.  I never realized before how strongly Frank resembles Jamie Buffalino, the author of TimeOut's "Get Naked" column.  Could he be moonlighting?????  While Mark, who is Louella Parsons to MY Hedda Hopper (because I am the one with hats, darlings; for God's sake, I am a fashion icon!!!!!!!!) boasted more tattoos than I have seen since the days I used to occasionally pop in to leather bars.  Where I was promptly laughed out of the place. And that was quite awhile ago, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    So, did "Hedda and Louella" diss???? Not really.  I was more fascinated by tales of a burgeoning media empire, as Mark strives to set out on new career goals; you have to admire anyone who instigates career change (especially being a non-risker, like moi!!) and in this particular economy.  While Frank entertained us with is ribald wit and humor.

                                      But, of course, since we were dining at a new establishment, talk and action soon centered around food.  Monsieur and I arrived there first, where I--can you believe it, girls--was forced to sit at a bar, as though I was a common hooker waiting for my latest john!!!!!!!!  I am a member of the SECOND oldest profession--the theater--and NOT the world's oldest!!!!!!!!!!  I had a glass of white wine, which, with the minuscule lunch I had, promptly got me buzzed, to where I was singing "Runaround Sue," while Monsieur had something called "Bugjuice," which looked like it should have been cool and sweet, but was kind of.....tasteless!!!!!!!!!   We shared an appetizer of pigs in blanket, which are still hot dogs encased in rolled bread.  The mustard was alleged to be spicy, but, honey, this was hardly stronger than French's; you could palm this off at a Little League game!!!!!!!

                                         Our two raconteurs arrived, and we sat down and began our culinary exploration. Honestly, I am telling you, my favorite thing of the entire evening, was the prickled vegetables appetizer!!!!!!!!  Bar none!!!!!!!!!  The others shared salmon and herring, which I just would not touch, and my main course was barbecued beef brisket with caramelized onions and new potatoes, on polenta, which was luscious, but too much to consume on a scalding hot night like last eve.  Flavorful, tasty, but much more suited for a cold winter night, than a sizzling one in June.  Maybe a visit six months later would make the difference!!!!!!!! 

                                          Let's see, what did others have?  Frank had the same thing as I and seemed to enjoy it immensely; Mark had the trout, while Monsieur, I believe had the lamb brisket, which looked delicious, and which had asparagus.  I would order that next time.  Between bread, appetizers and the meal, we could not do desert justice, so we each had liquid deserts--Monsieur and Mark a root beer float, Frank a vanilla egg cream and I a chocolate.  My egg cream was light, frothy, and just what was needed to top off a heavy meal.  I was surprised by the scarcity of ice cream in the root beer floats, let alone the size; I  have had them served in beer sized glasses, chilled to the max, with plenty of vanilla ice cream. I thought such was the standard with root beer floats. But the ones here, frankly, were...chintzy!!!!!!!!!

                                           But they were the only thing that was.  The atmosphere was pseudo modern and trendy in that faux Tribecca way, but not too noisy that one could not converse.  Would we return again??? Maybe, though I was not made an avid fan.

                                              And what of Hedda and Louella??????  Will you be seeing us scouting out scoops at the latest premieres or Broadway openings?????????  Don't count on it, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!  I love dining with Louella (and Frank), but frankly, darlings, MY turf is MY turf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 How's that for an exclusive, loves????????????????

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