Monday, June 11, 2012

Girls, Do I Have What It Takes To Be A Domestic Goddess???????

                                           After the weekend I had, I really have to wonder, because it was shop, till I almost dropped. Yesterday, Monsieur and I went to Ethan Allen to furniture shop for some items for the bedroom, and I am telling you, it is a good thing he was there, being as patient and organized as he is, because I was have just gone in there, pointed to whatever pleased my fancy, and said, "Give me that!" as though I were Elizabeth Taylor ordering a courier about at MGM!!!!!!!!!!

                                             But, really, I am glad my beloved was there, because, if it were up to me, this new place would be done over in red, a la "Gone With The Wind."  Back when I was 13, and saw the movie for the first time, and Vivien Leigh as Scarlett says, "I'm going to have the biggest and most vulgar house in all Atlanta!", I heard my calling, right then and there!!!!!!!!  Which means, were I up to me, we would end up with something whose gaudiness exceeds even Belle Watling's sporting house!!!!!!!!!

                                                 So, much as I relish the idea of being a Domestic Goddess, and have, ever since I was a small child, and saw Miss Loretta Young twirl into the room on her television show, I so wanted to do the same thing.  But I guess I am just not Loretta.

                                                    I have been promising to cook Beef Bourguinon for close to three years now, but with all my activities, when do I find the time????? I say in the dead of winter, when snow is piling up outside my window, that I will do it, because then is when one wants something hot and filling like that.  But it has not happened yet.  And then I am told I leave peanut butter stains all over the place!!!!!!  Nuts!!!!!!!

                                                       Domestic Goddess??????  I don't think so.  I think I should just resign myself to doing what I do, and let the REAL Domestic Goddesses (like Rachel Ray, not that hag Martha Stewart) do what they do best!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           While I do what I do best--like running out to get tickets to "Newsies," "Clydebourne Park," and "Peter And The Starcatcher."

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